support groups

what are support groups    — marybeth weaver (posted on September 28, 2009)

September 28, 2009
this is a great way to keep in check on your way to having the surgery and then after the journey begins. At first i thought i would be going to like a weight watchers meeting; found it so interesting after the first one that i have attended everyone since. Members share things that has helped them; things that might be what we are struggling with; we all share something;in the end we learn/we try and we are helped. Get in a group asap. Attend one and see. Everyone there in the same boat. Im glad i found a good one!We have a discussion leader who gives us tips also and has been down the road too.
   — alaskaman

September 28, 2009
ours has guest speakers that have been through it all with some type of wls.also one of our meetings the owner in our town from GNC showed all the products we would benefit from after surgery like protiens and vitamins.he also let us sample everyone of them and gave us many samples to take home.also gave us a card for a free bag of protien mix. another meeting we had the plastic surgeon talk with us on prices and procedures for tummy tucks and breast lifts. they are very interesting to go will make lots of friends also.
   — carolyn1970

September 28, 2009
Every support group is different. We have different guest speakers once in a while, we get free samples of Bariatric products (food, vitamins, etc.), we have a topic with hand-outs (provided by ObesityHelp), we receive a free copy of ObesityHelp Magazine at our meetings, we share experiences, challenges, successes, and get our questions answered. Mostly, it is just nice to talk to others who have been or are going through the same experiences as you. Some groups exchange clothing, plan exercise sessions (like walking together), go to Bariatric conferences together, etc. You will find that you have more success loosing the weight you want, as well as being more likely to keep it off, if you join and regularly attend a support group. Don't forget to keep in touch with your surgeon. Both support group attendance and visiting with your surgeon are very important, esp. when you are having problems. Don't let yourself get frustrated or quit trying. Your health is much too important. Good luck with your weight loss journey and God Bless.
   — KimM

September 29, 2009
Hi! this is a great question! Support groups are very important! Most people who attend on a regular basis keep the weight off years down the road. I started going when I was first thinking of the surgery and wanted more answers. I found it to be very motivating and informative. Seeing people lose weight or seeing the people years after was very inspirational to me. I thought to myself..if they can do it, so can I. And I did..15 months ago. And have been doing great since. I met goal in 10 months and still attended the group. I want to help others now and in November I will be starting a group in my home town. Best of luck to all and ...get out there and find a group! hugs n God Bless, Kim
   — gpcmist

September 29, 2009
I actually set up a Support Group after my own surgery (meets first Saturday of every month, Ipswich, Suffolk, UK ... !!!) as I found there really wasn't anything there to share experiences & problems or thoughts in general. It's like here ... but meetings in person I guess!!
   — ditzyangeluk

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