16 yrs. post vbg and I am chronically tired and have low energy.

I still get B-12 injections as needed, take iron pills and try to eat high-protein (including meat, tofu,beans).    — Elinor (posted on December 7, 2009)

December 7, 2009
Hello Elinor, I had VBG 20 years ago. I was constantly tried and sick all the time.I was also throwing up alot!! B-12 deficient, you name it and I was missing it. I finally found a doc that would send me to a WLS surgeon and after a dye test it was discovered that I had a stricture of my ring. The ring was closed to the point of the size of a pencil eraser. I had a revison to a RNY( due to the damage from the stricture I could not just have it removed) and I have been feeling better for over a month now. The best part is that I have not thrown up in over a month. Best of Luck
   — Andrea_1972

December 7, 2009
You should still have lab work done just to rule out vitamin deficiency. Then the doctors can maybe get to the bottom of it all. Perhaps there is an underlying issue like under or overactive thyroid. You can be tired with both of those. So have him do a full blood panel, CBC, everything. I have had both under and overactive thyroid, so I speak from experience. Best wishes.
   — Kristy

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