stupid question

How do you up load a picture if your computer won't let you    — marybeth weaver (posted on January 5, 2010)

January 6, 2010
You are not alone in this quest for an answer to this question. LOL! I too have not figured it out.. Not a stupid question at all I think that the political way of putting it is we are just tech -challanged LOL I think that is up there in the rankings with verticaly challanged. I am proud to say that I meet both criteria.LOL
   — OntarioSilk

January 6, 2010
I have been trying to figure this out myself. Every time I try to upload a picture it says it is too big. I know there are programs to make them smaller, but don't know what they are or what I am looking for. Hopefully someone who knows about this stuff will help.
   — Dawn A.

January 6, 2010
I have been trying for 2 Let me know....
   — okbuffy

January 6, 2010
Try for re-sizing your photo. This is what I used to re-size my photo for this site. Hope it helps.
   — [Deactivated Member]

January 7, 2010 Really does work! SUPER!!! Thanks!
   — Gracie P.

January 18, 2010
That is NOT a syupid question. I think it is brilliant myself. I am still trying to figure out how to upload my pic.
   — Maria V.

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