having tummy tuck and hernia repair on tuesday.

i hear its very painfull. is it true. what should i expect. and how long recovery,    — pinky_711 (posted on April 3, 2010)

April 3, 2010
I had a hernia repair only on the 25th, and am just now starting to feel like of luck to you.
   — lmw9674

April 3, 2010
Did you wait for a time after hitting your goal weight? I am looking for a plastic surgeon in Northwest Indiana/Chicago if anyone has suggestions.
   — sandorah

April 4, 2010
This is the 1st post I'm making on OH. I wish you the best on Tuesday and I'm sure everything will be fine. I just found out I have a hernia. I heard sometimes they can sneak in a tummy tuck. I have 80 more lbs I would like to lose AND like you on your board I can eat anything and not get sick. I'm scared too that I will rebound. Please let me know how you make out.
   — jcdancer

April 4, 2010
I haven't had this...yet. but I would go for it if I have too!! I am just about 2 and a half months out but already thinking about a TT when I hit about 14 months out!! Good luck and let us know how you came out. Lots of Love
   — Pilar12

April 4, 2010
I had a circumferential lower body lift on December 9 - which included a tummy tuck. They also did liposuction at the same time (including the legs). My worse pain was actually where they did the liposuction (and the surgeon told me the lipo would hurt worse than the actual body lift). Also, when you have the tummy tuck, how much pain you have depends on what all they do. There is a simple tummy tuck, but if you have abdominoplasty at the same time (this is where they tighten up the abdominal muscles), the abdominal pain can be pretty bad (my son had a worse time of it than I did with this part of the surgery). But within a week I was doing so much better, and I went back to work 4 1/2 weeks after the surgery. I tired pretty quickly, and first week back only worked half days, but after that did pretty good. By 8 weeks out I was released for lifting as tolerated. So - it really depends on how much surgery they do. If you have any other questions, I'd be happy to e-mail you. Check out my profile page as I tried to journal about a lot of my experiences. I did have a complication - I ended up with a severe spinal headache because of leakage of spinal fluid after they did a spinal for pain management. But as for the surgical site, the worse pain was from the liposuction. Wendy
   — Wendy M.

April 5, 2010
I had my tt 7 months ago with a breast lift and implants. I am a big baby so the pain for me was a ten the first two weeks. Each week it became more tolerable and I switched from percocept to Tylenol extra strength. You will be fine, just drink plenty fo water and load up on protein for the best recovery. Good Luck. Sherline
   — [Deactivated Member]

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