Have any 100-150lb losers with PA BC/BS Pers. Choice been covered for TT's?

Just wondering if anyone has been successful with the same insurs. as mine getting covered for tummy tuck or similar proceedure. I'm starting the process of pre-certification now and my doctor seems pretty sure they won't cover. He thinks it's worth trying but cautions me against over-optimism. Any tips other Pennsylvanians care to pass along will be appreciated. I've done real well so far...down 105 8 months and still loosing slowly but I can see that my upper arms, thighs and stomach flap are really going to be nasty without further surgery. I wish I could get Personal Choice to help pay for some of the work I need done. I do count my blessings for the hassle-free coverage of my rny last June ... I see how many of you all struggle so hard for even that help. But darn it! these insurs. cos.are cheap SOB's aren't they!? I'm still getting bills for pre and post op visits for my by-pass cause my company claims they don't cover office visits under the Morbid Obesity diagnostic code. They cover the surgery for the diagnosis but not the pre and post op visits for it! Go Figure!    — Carol M. (posted on January 18, 2000)

January 18, 2000
I have been told by a couple of my friends that their doctor documented infection under the hanging skin, aver several times with infections, it becomes a medical risk and should be easier to get covered.
   — [Anonymous]

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