Anyone else have Guillain Barre Syndrome after surgery?

I had my gastric byjpass October 2006, by the end of December I was in the hospital with Guillain Barre Syndrome. That is a neurological disorder causing paralysis throught out your entire body. I am now learning to walk again. My doctor told me that I am not the first one he has seen get this after having gastric bypass surgery. Any comments would be helpful. Thanks. Oh, yeah...I have lost 200lbs since October.    — Suet63 (posted on August 19, 2007)

August 19, 2007
Wow! 200 is fantastic. I have known several people who have had Guillain Barre Syndrome during and after pregnancy. Every one of them had it go away after a while, including my sister-in-law. I wonder what they share in common that would cause that?
   — [Deactivated Member]

August 19, 2007
People also get this who have not had gastric bypass. It is not necessarily related. The docs know what it is but not what causes it. Congrats on your 200 pound loss! IT will be much easier to work with physical therapy with that gone forever from your life!
   — MAG

August 20, 2007
I am sorry you have to go through this. Did you always take your B vitamins, B12 and B1, because not taking vits could cause neurological problems? Just a word for everyone else, ALWAYS TAKE YOUR VITAMINS!
   — KRWaters

August 20, 2007
This is related to Bariatric Beri Beri? B1 (thiamin) deficiency? What were you taking for vites and was anyone testing your B1, B6, B12? And to what stndards were you being held? Sadly, the fact that they have a term such as Bariatric Beri Beri shows how common it is. It is easily preventable with the right vites and they do not have to be expensive, nor do they have to say they are for bariatric patients. They only have to be formulated or combined right for us as malabsorbers. Just because a vite says it's for us, doesn't make it so. We're a prime market for product promotion(and some are good, of course), and a doc endorsement also doesn't make them good. Congrats on your wt loss! The defieciencies we can expect will fall under: protein iron calcium A, D, E B1 B6 B12 zinc
   — vitalady

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