I am aiming for the lap band - have witnessed several people failing gastric by pass.

   — Hischild7 (posted on March 7, 2009)

March 7, 2009
i'm sorry, guess I don't understand- how do you mean fail- they lost wt, considerable amounts to gain back some wt several years out? That is not a failure. Can you be more explicit. Cindi M.D. retired -230#
   — DollyDoodles

March 7, 2009
It is an individual issue - what you put into it, you will get out of it. If you mean, wt gain after surgery - that can happen to anyone no matter what type of WLS they had done.
   — AuntPamcakes4six

March 7, 2009
Do you have a specific question about one or both of these surgeries? Can you clarify what information you're actually looking for?
   — [Deactivated Member]

March 7, 2009
Hi Sandy, You have to check out all options for yourself. But for me...I had a most wonderful surgeon(&office staff) who did my Gastric Bypass last July 1st 08, and I am down 100lbs! It has worked great for me. I have seen others who have not done well on Lap band as well as bypass. It is a personal choice that YOU the patient has to be commited to do the work after you are given the TOOL. Nothing is 100% going to work with out appling yourself. I watch my protein,food I eat and what I drink. After going thru the surgery I find no sense in putting food of no nutritional value in my mouth. I am very picky now about how I eat. I eat to live...not live to eat. Dont get me wrong I enjoy the extras..sugar free deserts. I dont know why but my tastes and likes/wants have totally changed since surgery. Things I use to like dont tastes the same. I have not found ANYTHING I'm missing out on. I wish you well and hope you base your decisions on your own ability and not on others that LET themselves fail. Hope to see you on the LOSER'S bench!
   — tootsie52

March 7, 2009
So what's your question? You need to do what makes sense for you, but to blackball a procedure because a few people you know have had difficulty is not wise. "The surgery can't fail you, but you can fail the surgery." I'd strongly encourage you to pose your questions or concerns to a bariatric surgeon and make your choice based on something other than "I know some people and it failed for them". That's not a true statement and maybe you don't know exactly why it didn't work out for them. Good luck to you in your search.
   — Shirley D.

March 7, 2009
The answer your looking for is not in this forum or on these boards. If it's statistical facts your looking for,in my personal opinion, the Lap band has had many a revision to switch to GB RNY etc...Those facts are all over these boards. But as all of these wonderful people have is up to YOU whether you FAIL or SUCCEED. I wish you all the best. I hope your WL journey will be everything YOU want it to be.Good Luck...God Bless......
   — 1stReneeMarie

March 7, 2009
I'd suggest you do some research on your own, not just this forum. There are revision forums here. Many of the revisions are from lapband to RNY. Lapband surgery is designed for lower wt loss over a longer period of time. If you want to lose only 60-75 pounds, then lapband is a meaninful option. If you have more to lose, you need to do some more research, as I don't think the lapband will "be a success" for you. Failure from either surgery is primarily based on the actions of the patient, and not the procedure. It's a new lifestyle--if you continue to practice your old ways of large food portions, high calorie foods, a lot of sweets, etc., then no surgery will have a successful outcome. DAVE
   — Dave Chambers

March 7, 2009
I guess I am fearful of failing myself - If I could stay on a food program - then I would not need the surgery so I am afraid that after the surgery I still my not be able to maintain a food program. I am believing that since the stomach will be so much smaller I will not want to eat more. I'm just wondering who else was fearful of failing and has been able to maintain success after surgery
   — Hischild7

March 7, 2009
I had your same fears going in-and now, at 3 months out from gastrc bypass, I sometimes have the same fears.I am one of those who doesn't feel any restriction when I eat and I have not yet dumped so I worry about going back to my old ways of eating and failing at yet another weight loss attempt.I aam not hungry, but the "head hunger" is always there, trying to take over. That being said, I follow the rules obsessively, measure all my food, get all my fluids in and exercise to name a few. I have lost 80 lbs and feel wonderful. My diabetes is gone-and before surgery it was out of control. It most certainly is a tool, and food and right choices will always be a challenge, but at least now I have a handle on it. Best of luck in your decision.
   — Kristi K.

March 8, 2009
I have only heard of two maybe three people ever that failed their RNY...When I say "fail" I mean gain back 100% of their weight....I see plenty of RNYer gain back the normal 10% that is medically expected...and those people "feel" like failures...but gaining 20-30 lbs after being MO is hardly failure...MOST regular people gain weight as they get older as well...My best friend was 105 lbs when we met 19 years ago...I was about 200 lbs...Now she's 155 and I'm 165 and we fit in the SAME JEANS! As far as lapband being the better choice for best read the struggles and maintenance and constant "dieting" and hunger and problems and all the pain some of those poor people get. Not to include trouble with fills and finding a good doc if they move...I watched an episode on Discovery health how one bariatric surgeons own sister who was barely overweight decided to get lapband surgery across the country from her brother and fater who are both bariartic surgeons...and her fill went all wrong (her surgeon couldn't find the port and kept stabbing her)....They bought her a plane ticket and picked her up at the airport JUST to do her fill! That was one EXPENSIVE fill...That's just one of the many things that can happen...PLEASE do more research on your own...
   — .Anita R.

March 8, 2009
Each surgery has its advantages & disadvantages. Ithink it is normal to be fearfulstepping into the unkown (for you regardless of how many have done this) I chose lapband & have lost 115 lbs.Maintained it 6 months so far. You really need to research each type of surgery & decide which is the one that will help you best.
   — Donna O.

March 8, 2009
Wow. I've seen more of the opposite... individuals with trouble after a lap band. Discuss the pros and cons of each with your surgeon who knows your medical history. Ask for your doctor's recommendation. My doctor said the bypass or nothing. I'm glad I had the bypass in December and have lost 55 lbs so far. No suffering. No regrets. Challenges, mostly mental fighting habits and food issues. But no regrets.
   — lorannw

March 8, 2009
Sandy, I chose lapband mostly because I didn't want to go through any of the dumping issues etc. and I didn't want to take a chance with sagging skin. Although, the weight loss is a lot faster with the bypass. Do your research and make the choice that suite you.
   — samvt

March 9, 2009
Hi Sandi, I think you should go to the internet and look up Mini Gastric Bypass. I looked at tons of videos with people that had complications with the lap band. Dr.Rutledge has done over 8000 surgeries and after watching hundreds of failed lap band videos I decided on the GYN because I'm 56 and Medicare was my pimary insurance company. But you can really get a lot more knowledge just by watching these Videos. I hope this helps, God Bless what ever you decide.Mike
   — 2lazy2Mike

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