How long do these plateaus last??

I have been on a plateau for 3 weeks!!!!! When will this end.. I am getting very discouraged.... I have tried increasing my food intake (since I haven't been getting in as much as I should be).. that isn't working... what do I do...    — wendy-s (posted on September 3, 2009)

September 3, 2009
I hit several plateau's. I am 4 months out and I can tell you that you will hit one at 3 weeks, 7 weeks, and 3 months. I am hitting one right now. They can last anywhere from 1 week to 3 weeks. It is discourging but I bet if you take your measurements you will find you are losing inches. I take my measurements once a month and weight only once a week. Keep working on your protein and fluids and the weight will break and you will see it drop several pounds all of a sudden. We did not get this way in just days so it take a while to come off. Your body has to catch up plus it is still adjusting to the surgery.
   — Kathy Thomas

September 3, 2009
We have all had these maddening plateaus and have done all kinds of things to get off of them: eat more, eat less, drink more water, etc. I think the important thing is to DO SOMETHING different. Walk after dinner. Don't eat after 7. Take vitamins. Get sleep (we loose weight while we sleep). Write down what you are eating. Whatever you do, maybe it won't help at all, maybe it will, but you will be working on improving your health and that will keep you positively motivated. Eventually, something will work if we don't grow weary in trying. Hang in there.
   — jtoothman

September 3, 2009
I haven't lost (or thankfully gained!) anything since February! Everyone is different I know but it is frustrating to hit a complete standstill! Hoping it will kick in again when I start the swimming in a week or so. Plateaus - the bain of weight loss surgery!!
   — ditzyangeluk

September 3, 2009
I have lost and gained the same five pounds over and over for the past eight months and it is very frustrating.
   — Dale Elaine S.

September 4, 2009
I'm 5 years post-op. I want to let you know that plateaus are normal. Our bodies are going through so many changes (so quickly) that they need some time to adjust every once in a while. Remember when your kids (or you as a kid) would seem to eat like a horse for a while, then all of a sudden start growing (seemingly overnight)? Our bodies need time to adjust to any change in metabolism, growth, and weight change. As long as you are not gaining weight, even though it has been a long period of time, I would not get concerned. After all, when was the last time you were able to maintain your weight for any length of time? That is a success in and of itself. If you are gaining weight over a couple of months time, then you need to get back to the basics. Drink 2 qts. of water, make sure your activity level is at a healthy level, eat slowly taking small bites, chew thoroughly, and wait 3-5 min. between bites. Make sure your food choices are in line with your doctor's recommendations. It is esp. important that your protein levels are high enough and that you are getting enough vitamins/minerals. Try keeping a log of what you are eating, how much activity/exercise you are getting, and your emotions if you are grazing or having cravings. Also, make an appointment with your surgeon to get some advice (esp. if you are trying these basics and are still having problems). KimM
   — KimM

September 4, 2009
I think Kathy pretty muched covered what I was going to say. you will hit them as often as Kathy said, but keep your head up, and just do what you were instructed by the doctor and you will be fine. I am now 1 year and almost 4 mths out, i and down 130 lbs. 5 lbs lower then my goal, just hang in there and keep strong!!!
   — bobbie77

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