have any one had there feet to go numb since having surgery?

For the last week my right foot has been numb I seem to not even walk right anymore. I sling my right foot some when I walk and I seem to stumble over my feet causing my big toe to jam when I don't have on shoes. When I do have on shoes I seem to nearly fall at times. I have also lost 168lbs. in 13mths. and I am freezing to death my nose run all the time. I called my dr. today talked to his med. asst. and she tells me she does not believe that this condition is due to the surgery. She also is sending me a prescription for iron through the mail that I had to insist on getting! Any advice given will be gladly appreciated! Thanks in advance Much Love!    — TANGIE B. (posted on December 27, 2001)

December 27, 2001
I would suggest that you see a neurologist to check out whats going on.Could be a pinched nerve at the end of the spinal canal. I have sciatica and I sometimes get the same symptoms as you plus pain all the way from my butt to my heel and my leg buckles under me.
   — garyzgurl

December 27, 2001
Congratulations on your weight loss! A member of my local WLS support group developed similar symptoms. It was a pinched nerve, perhaps related to surgery/weight loss, perhaps not. She is scheduled for a fairly minor procedure to correct it. I concur that you should check with a neurologist. You don't want to fall and get injured! As for being cold, I have lost about 80 lbs., have lots to go so I still should have plenty of insulation, but I am cold almost all the time, too. Don't know what causes it, but I think it is pretty normal. Beats being sweaty all the time from carrying the weight! Good luck - hope your foot thing is not serious.
   — mskarns

January 2, 2002
I am the one who is in Mary Ann's support group who just had surgery on Dec 31. The numbness started about two months ago and my foot and calf were numb. I had a drop foot that I tripped over all of the time and just got tired of it. Went to Orthopedic doc who sent me to neurologist for tests on the nerve and I had lost 50-60% of the use of my muscle that is controlled by the nerve that was pinched. Had I not had the surgery to relieve the pinched nerve, I could have lost use of my foot altogether. It is very much worth your time to check it out. My doc said the pinched nerve was caused by the tunnel collapsing around the nerve that it is supposed to protect, due to my body adjusting to its new size and weight. I have lost 80 lbs to date. He repaired it and left me about a 6 inch incision, but I am walking better after only 2 days post op. E-mail me if you have further questions. I will be glad to help you out.
   — gina P.

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