What exactly does mild apnea mean?

I was told by my doctor's office today that my sleep test came back and I had mild apnea, what exactly does that mean? What are the ranges for mild? and does this mean that I will have to use a machine? Also, in trying to get my insurance to pay (health card from Ohio) will this determination of mild hurt my chances for approval?    — Jennifer R. (posted on February 21, 2004)

February 20, 2004
Jennifer I had a mild case of it also I did not haft to have a machaine and it should help you more to get approved cause if you dont get to have it done it will get worse and then you will probly haft to get a machine if you gain more weight since Ive lost 123 pds I have not problem at all now with sleeping Take Care Huggs Beth
   — wildbrat

February 21, 2004
I was also diagnosed with mild apnea, however, I played-up the symptoms to my doc in order to have it be one of my co-morbidities. I told my doc that I wake myself up gasping for air several times a night and I was tired all day. I ended up getting a machine (set at 5, whereas my DH's setting is 9)that I used until I lost the first 50 pounds-then I didn't need it anymore. So my advice to to "play up" your sleep apnea in order to get insurance approval for WLS. Beth - rny 4/03, 269/146/1??
   — Beth W.

February 21, 2004
Hi. I was told that I had mild sleep apnea before my surgery and I was told to use the c-pap machine. It was explained to me that an average person stops breathing about 5 times per hour and i stopped breathing 8 times in an hour. I dont know what the scale is but my pulmonologist told me this is considered a mild case of sleep apnea. I did not have to use mine as a co-morbidity, but it can be used as one. Good Luck!!
   — Tara J.

February 21, 2004
I had mild sleep apnea and I had to use the c-pap machine (had to start it at least 6wks before they would let me have my open rny)and my setting was a 4-5 where as alot of people with true sleep apnea are set somewhere in the teens. I am now off the machine, mine was due my weight and now that it's gone all my medical problems have gone with it other than my arthritis in my knees. Good luck!
   — Sandy M.

February 21, 2004
This just INCREASED your chance of being covered!!!:) It's a definate medical condition that can go away basically with weightloss only. I have the "mild" also, I use the CPAP machine (not as often as I should), but losing the weight will cure it and no need for machine in the future. So, be happy they diagnosed it for you that way!:)
   — Amy G.

February 22, 2004
I had sereve sleep apena and using cpap machine an oxygen both at night and I was approved for weight loss surgery. I had sleep apnea even before I had considered surgery. Now since I lost about 9 to 00 pound I managed to get my pesure settings changesd
   — missturtle

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