Are you supposed to see staples in an upper G I?

I am a little over 5 years post op. I had an upper G.I. the other day. You can't see any staples in the films. I had an upper G.I. in 2000 befor surgery and they don't look any different. I thought you were suposed to be able to see them.    — Stillfat (posted on February 12, 2006)

February 12, 2006
I had tests where I drank dye... yes I could see mine.
   — Danmark

February 12, 2006
Is it possible that your pouch was hand stitched. That would mean it was done with disolving sutures not staples. Just a thought
   — Deborah Joyner

February 15, 2006
I couldn't see mine, but I'm not a radiologist. :P Also, are you transected? If so, would there be staples?
   — RebeccaP

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