Painful Gas No bm for days(weeks)

I am 1 1/2 year Post op. I have had terrible gas that has affected me to the point where I can't leave the house. There have been serious problems with constipation for the last 6 mon. Can anyone offer any suggestions to these problems? Thank you    — aimee_johnson29 (posted on March 19, 2006)

March 18, 2006
Why have'nt you seen a doctor? I'm not trying to be rough. But it really sounds like that is the proper thing to do! If I have light constipation I take ether dolsate or the Medimusil biscuits. But this sounds serious. I'd never let something like this go so long. Please see your doctor!
   — Danmark

March 19, 2006
yes, talk to your doctor. You may also look into what you are eating, something may not be agreeing with you. I know that certain things, especially cream cheese, kills my insides.
   — RebeccaP

March 19, 2006
Gas so bad you cant leave the house definitely sounds like it deserves a trip to your doctor, perhaps a Gastro. specialist, and/or dietician. Perhaps food allergies? For symptom control I use Gas-X (or generic, simethicone) and Milk of Magnesia for constipation-- I thought it would taste horrible but I use the mint flavor and it really tastes no worse than Mylanta. However, due to the seriousness sound of your illness, I would not suggest doing too much without first getting your doctor to check you. What if you have a partial blockage? Self treatment could make this worse. Best of luck to you and get thee to a doctor! LOL (just at myself, not at your situation).
   — ValerieZ

March 19, 2006

   — gerardlovesjoy

March 19, 2006
I have the same problem and yes I did go to the doctors...three of gastro, my gp and the plastic surgeon that did my tummy tuck. No Help! please forward me a good answer when you get one. Need the same help! HELP!
   — lj

March 19, 2006
Amy- For constipation try increasing your water to 64 oz per day- try to add veggies and fruits (esp. prunes) to your diet. Also try using Benefiber about 1/2-1 tsp to a meal and then be sure to drink the water. You could also try Colace or MOM at bedtime. For gas first have you become lactose intolerant? If so you may need to switch to soy based milk or lactose free milk or Lactiaid drops for other dairy products to see if this will help. Stop using straws, chewing gum or eating ice, talking while you are eating as these can cause gas. Exercise can help reduce gas. You can also try and over the counter medication containing simethicone to help with gas. Hopefully some of these suggestions are new to you and might help.
   — dabby

March 19, 2006
If you have switched to some of the healthy fats used in baked type of chips this may be some thing since I get terrible gas when I eat them. I also use flax/borage oil which has the benefit of a good fat without being harsh on your system and it is easy to take. Water intake and exercise also help
   — 1968 Loser

March 20, 2006
I am almost three weeks post op and yesterday marked day nine of no bowel movement. Since I was planning to be home all evening I took one tablespoon of Milk of Magnesia and about four hours later everything came unstopped. I didn't really feel bad but afterward I felt so much better. Try it you'll like it. LOL Good luck and God bless.
   — jeanfergus

March 20, 2006
I had the same problem, went to three differentspecialist here in Alabama. They could find NOTHING WRONG. Was in Ohio visiting my mother for a week, second day I was there I was hit with severe pain, taken to ER, they found TOTAL BOWEL BLOCKAGE. Did Emergency Surgery on me, I was in Hospital for 13 days, was not released to go home to ALabama for another 3 weeks, Had all kinds of problems. They had to do a Bowel Reconstruction Surgery on me. This was back in November, 05 and I am still in recovery, still having problems. Run, do not walk, RUN to a specialist and demand ATTENTION > DO not take NO for an answer, this could be a Life or Death situation!! I nearly died!
   — cindirella

March 21, 2006
Here is the best remedy for the constipation: 1/2 applesauce, unsweetened 2 tbsp prune juice 1 tbsp wheat bran mix or use blender this helps quite a bit as for the gas I have to use the gas x chewables
   — vlaster

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