Goog recipece

Hey everyone. I got a question is everybody has good nice tasting recepice for me . I am now 6 wekks post-op and eat soild food again. But I never know what to cook. Is anyone has some ideas or a good link to healthy not to fat food???? Well sorry for my english I hope everybody understand my question.    — Babylove05 (posted on May 1, 2006)

May 1, 2006
Congrats on your first 6 weeks. You will need to try different types of foods. Some of the foods that you ate preop you will not beable to eat now. visit your dietican and speak to them. That is why they are there. Steve
   — Steve Cohen

May 1, 2006
Great recipes at this site! Look at the top of this page, and click on the yellow headline on Forums. Then go to Member Interest, and click on C-E. then scroll down to cooking and baking. Up will come tons of recipes. I just found it, and it looks great!! Enjoy. If you don't understand, ask again, and I'll try to get the address for you.
   — Jenny1

May 1, 2006
Some very simple things that work great at six weeks are canned chicken, tuna, salmon; deli meat & cheese (roll the meat inside the cheese and make a "protein wrap". Protein pudding is great too (1 pkg instant SF pudding, 1 cup whipping cream (no sugar there), 1 cup water, 4 scoops whey isolate protein powder (you choose the flavor of pudding and protein it works well with any flavor). Also, our support group has a cookbook with over 300 WLS friendly recipes but some are for longer post-op they sell for $15 plus shipping to cover the cost of printing them. Also, Dame Tooter has a lot of great recipes on her site that you can cut and paste or just print. She is often on the Main board and is a great long-term post-op resource from the North West (Oregon, I think??). Hope that helps........... Your Okie friend,
   — wealthgvr

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