Changes in taste..

Hi, I am 7 weeks post op and everything I eat or drink tastes like crap. It is so bad I only eat once a day. I have lost 43 lbs since surgery but I need to get on track and eat at least 3 times a day. Any suggestions?    — drunyan (posted on July 5, 2006)

July 5, 2006
First, congratulations on your weight loss thus far! Second, your body is in ketoacidosis, when it is burnng fat and protein at a really fast weight. This gives your taste buds a big change and things taste different. I brushed my teeth so many times a day to try to get rid of the taste I always had, but that did not work. I did buy a tongue scraper and that helped some. You will get past this taste funk once your body goes through such rapid weight loss and things that taste awful now will return to normal. Hang in there, drink your fluids and keep up the good work. Shelly
   — scharlier

July 5, 2006
I know what you mean, I am having the same problem, what's working for me is eating spicy food. I use Tabasco sauce, Red Hot Souce, Cayenne Pepper, not too much, just enough to give it a kick. It's been working for me I'm about 9 weeks out and i've lost 55 pounds, so i guess it's working for me. Good luck to you and remember you must eat to lose weight.
   — Ulises Robles

July 5, 2006
I have to agree, food tasted terrible and I hated Skim Milk, when I used to love it. Franks hot sauce I think I lived on, not to spicy but worked wonders on meat and veggies. I am now 5 months post op and love milk again and food tastes great again. Good Luck and many wished to lots more weight loss.
   — MikeL

July 6, 2006
Congratulations on the new beginning! My friend and I both had the surgury and we both experienced this same issue. To me everything tasted metalic and to her everything tasted sweet. What worked for both of us was Minutemaid Light lemonaide. The sour/tartness of it seemed to cut that bad taste. For me, it also seemed like the taste was worse when I was dehydrated, so make sure you are getting plenty of fluids. I hope this helps!
   — onmiway

July 7, 2006
Hi Dawn- I am 3 1/2 years post-op and experienced this also in the beginning. I use to cry when it was time to eat because I didn't want to. I can't stress to you enough the importance of making yourself take a few bites of something every three hours no matter how difficult or nasty it may taste. I didn't do this and my stomach closed up. They had to go in and re-open it. This will pass and food will taste good again. Congratualations on your success and good luck to you.
   — dl_roark

July 8, 2006
Food taastes like crap for a while, but experiment to see what you llike best. I found shrimp and lobster salad did best, as well as cheeses.
   — Novashannon

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