Drinking before I eat

I cannot eat without drinking. If I do the food just seems to get stuck in my throat, and I will throw it all up. Also, I have to "warm" up before I can eat. I mean I cant just sit down and eat, I usually have to drink, well swallow alot of warm fluid until it finally passes thru. Then I can eat. Can anyone tell me if they have experienced this? Do you think that maybe I have a slip? I had lap-band done on 12-19-2005 I have lost 130 lbs.    — marlo (posted on May 25, 2007)

May 25, 2007
Drinking with meals is just a habit. If we're well-hydrated, and drink a glass of fluid right before the meal to moisten the throat and mouth, there is no physiological reason to drink. Also, foods should be quite moist - with marinades, sauces, lowfat gravies, and other "food lubes", then they will not stick. If we are tight , it helps to drink a cup of hot liquid right before a meal, as this opens and relaxes the stoma. This is fine to do, if needed, as long as it does not open the stoma too much - allowing us to eat more than about a cup of food would be too much. None of this is a sign of a slip, but it could be a sign you're too tight. When was your last fluoro? Can you eat meats and solid protein well? Do ALL foods get stuck without fluids? You've lost fine, so it doesn't seem to matter if you are washing food thru, as long as you're satisfied with and stop at about a cup of food per meal. I cover all this in my Band Guide for Eating, nutrition, etc, and you might get some ieas from it. If you, or anyone else, would like a copy, please email me to request it at: [email protected] SandyR at goal x 3yrs
   — SandyR

May 25, 2007
Hi Marlo, and thanks for writing. You have done so well with the lap band, that is wonderful! I have heard many people say that they warm up with tea or a warm fluid before they eat. They feel like it gets the pouch ready for food. I do sometimes too. I also drink small amounts while I eat, but I am 3 years out. Most of the time it is ok, but sometimes the fluid doesn't set right. I never gulp, only sip small amounts while eating. I don't think it is that uncommon for wls patients to do this. You just always need to be aware that you want to protect that pouch. Keep up the good work, and be sure the liquid you are swallowing is not soda, bad for your pouch! Thanks. Patricia P.
   — Patricia P

May 26, 2007
I understand exactly what you are saying. Even though I had a by-pass- Many foods I have to drink with liquids. But I have to do almost like dunking or soaking my food (I am 2 years out) or otherwise drinking while I have just eaten is painful. I also have to make sure I eat in a very relaxed and calm state or I can't eat with out pain. So you are not alone in this. I believe the only reason we are told not to mix is so that the fluids we drink don't dilute the digestive juices in our little stomaches. That is also why we are told to chew so well and hold your food in your mouth longer than before. That is where alot of our digestion starts to take place. If you eat in a hurry- not only do you not allow this to take place but we put a blob of unchewed food quickly in our gut. It can't handle it. If you are not eating something that can easily fall apart in liquid though you will find your self in a lot of pain on down the road drinking while you eat because you won't be allow your stomach to do it's job. I have learned this from a lot of painful experience and throwing up.
   — Cdavis226

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