Menstruation after surgery and menopause?

I am pre op still. My question is it possible to get my period again (I am post menopause 3 + years) after surgery. I have read when estergen is the fat cells and restarts a womens cycle again. Can this happen if you are post menopausal?    — chell1957 (posted on July 24, 2008)

July 24, 2008
Yes, they say it's kind of like going through puberty all over again. As bad as that may sound, it will straighten out and level off when the weight comes off.
   — waterlover

July 24, 2008
That always confused me...I have heard that some women do begin a period again...But I find it odd because the cycle stops when there are no more eggs to be released...So if you have no more eggs to release I don't understand how or why your body would have an "egg" cycle or in other words a "period"...So I didn't answer your question! LOL I asked you one! Maybe someone else has the answer! LOL Maybe it's like a "fantom period"...No eggs, just wanna be youthful again? I dunno! LOL I think I'm getting close to the end of my egg basket too! LOL
   — .Anita R.

July 24, 2008
yes you can have a period again i am 2 years post menopause and after my surgery i had a period for 5 days
   — oldpepsilady

July 24, 2008
I was post-menopause about 5 years at the time of my surgery. I did buy maxis because I was scared to death my period would come back. I'm 14 months post-op today and still no signs of it. :) :) :) Hopefully you'll be lucky like I was. :) Good luck!
   — lv2beasahm

July 24, 2008
I was 7 mos into no periods after having the mother of all periods as a grade fanale. Two weeks after surgery I bleed like a really light period and had a few cramps and bloating. I asked my surgeon about ist and she said that is a common reaction to the stress of major surgery. Nothing since then and its been 19 mos. What did happen though is after losing about 80 lbs (as of last summer) I started having some hot flash symptoms. I had thought I was going to get off scott-free, but I think as I lost fat, my body chemistry changed and by November I was begging the GYN for medication. I take .2 mg of Clonidine - personal choice not to do HRT. I'm with the other gal that said if you are a year or more into Menopause I don't think you become fertile again just because you bleed a bit.
   — canim150

July 27, 2008
My ob/gyn explained the mechanics of it to me, which I don't remember, but many obese women stop menstruating so they think they've gone through menopause. When you lose weight, you start up again, does have something to do with fat cells & estrogen. I'd stopped & started menstruating twice before when yo-yo dieting, but was still so I was hoping before WLS that I'd gone through menopause already. Only had one period in 5 months since RNY, so hoping I'm done. And yes, WLS can mess up your hormones for a while. Menopause isn't caused by running out of eggs, you still have eggs, they're just getting old (my eggs may be old, but I'm not). This probably won't happen to you, but the lining of your uterus can get really thick when you stop menstruating due to obesity, and when you lose weight and start menstruating again, that first period can be much heavier than usual. I only mention because it happened to me and would have scared me if my ob/gyn hadn't warned me it could happen. It's not a big deal, don't worry about it, just look forward to feeling better and getting healthier!
   — Susan C.

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