Can you stretch your pouch

I was wondering if it is possible to stretch the pouch by eating too much? I had lapband surgery. I am afraid to eat "too much" because im afraid to stretch the pouch if that is possible. Or is it over a long period of time? Or is it possible at all? Can you stretch the pouch if you eat a cup and half at one time of food? I am terrified of stretching my pouch but I know there has been times that I eat about a cup of food and about hour later im hungry again -- sometimes doesnt take whole hour -- i had surgery aug 7 2008 and had one fill so far -- any input would be appreciated -- i do appreciate all the help that everyone takes their time to give and post to help us "newbies" and others that are on this journey. THANKS    — kitkat2008 (posted on September 20, 2008)

September 20, 2008
There is no "pouch" to stretch for lapbanders. The stomach itself is not reduced with this type of bariatric surgery. With RNY surgery there IS a much smaller "pouch" which indeed can be stretched over time, effectively negating that aspect of the RNY procedure.
   — [Deactivated Member]

September 20, 2008
I'm sorry to tell you but you can stretch the pouch with Lap-band it is not easy to do but can be done and can cause serious problems....if you overeat on a on going basis it will stretch.....cause you to stop losing and acytuallt might also have to have ALL the liquid removed from the band...stay on liquids for several weeks and then slowly go back to food....Once you do this you are actually prone to do it again if not very cafeful....... Now to answer your question......I have always been told to eat 1/2 to 1 cup of fodd....the more restriction you get the less you will be able to eat and you will fill up faster......I wouls not go over 1 cup ever. If you want to check out another great site that deals with only Lap-bands anf is a wealth of informaion ( as this one is ) go to Yahoo Groups....then type in's just another great place to get great information and one of the moderators is a WLS Nurse.....

September 21, 2008
Yes, you can stretch the pouch or food holding area with the band. But with either, my nut told me that a cup of food, is the amount you should be able to eat when you are several months out. You should not eat more than that at one time. No one can eat that much at the beginning, esp, RNY. Also, there is the chance of damaging the staple line in the first three months after surgery with RNY. You can keep either type of pouch small, by not pushing it. They make it tiny, so you can't eat as much, so you don't want to undo what the surgery has done. ie...damaging your tool and make it not as effective. Good luck! Lesleigh
   — lesleigh07

September 21, 2008
In the first answer to your post, it was said that lap banders do not have a pouch. This statement is false. True the stomach is not cut but it is seperated by the band into 2 compartments. The smaller section above the band is the pouch. Yes it is possible to stretch it. However, you had the band put in recently and you had just one fill so far. You don't have enough restriction yet so you will eat more and still be hungry. According to my surgeon, with each fill there will be more restriction and the tightening band will help to make the pouch smaller. Think of it like this: You put on a belt and tuck your shirt in. The tighter the belt, the more it will gather and pull the shirt taught so when you move, the shirt doesn't feel loose. Right now, you are pretty loose. Don't worry about it, I went through the same thing. I was able to eat a lot more than I thought I should in the beginning. After a few fills, I couldn't get anything down. I actually had to be loosened for a few months so I could rehydrate and then medicate for a sinus infection. I got filled again and have some trouble but nothing too terrible so I am back on track. There is no set formula or guideline for how life with the band is supposed to be. Every person is different. It would be nice if there was a set way but I guess that is what keeps it interesting LOL Some bandsters lose the weight very quickly, others take more time. I have had my band for 11 months and I am down 95 pounds. To me that is slow in my mind but others think that is a fantastic amount to lose in 11 months. Maybe it is because I still have a lot to lose and I hoped for it to be quicker? I think rationally as often as possible but maybe a lil piece of my brain sees my sister who had RNY 3 months before I had the band and how she has lost 170 pounds so quickly. Maybe that makes me wish I could lose that rapidly a little bit. Although I chose the band because it is slower. So everyone is different and that is normal. Don't base your experience on someone else's but rather look at their experiences as a learning tool. Someone may lose 50 pounds in the first few months and you may lose 15. BUT, you might lose 50 pounds the next few months and they may lose only 10. There are so many factors involved and not everyone exercises the same or eats the same. It will happen in its own time for each person. Try to stay positive, don't think negative things. The weeight will come off eventually and you may feel silly for thinking goofy stuff and worrying so much. I worried for a while and stressed over little things and then i weighed in at one appointment and was down 12 pounds. Next appointment I was down another 14 pounds. I thought of how silly I was to think it wasn't going to work! Haha! Silly me! Focus on moving, working yourself at the level you are at physically. The more things you do, the less you dwell on the food. Make yourself too busy to think about eating until you are truly hungry and it is time to eat. I had an issue where I would worry constantly about eating as if I would die if I didn't get enough food into me at the right time. I have just about broken myself of that habit. I'm too busy to think about it all the time. I actually like doing stuff and having fun. Invest in an insulated lunch bag and reusable ice packs. Pack stuff you can eat and go out walking. I did that yesterday! I packed a lunch and water, put it into a backpack and wore it on my back, fanny pack (i can wear one now!) around my waist so I wouldn't have to hold my purse, went to the river and walked 3 1/2 miles on the path there. I enjoyed myself and didn't think about the food. I took a few breaks, one was for lunch, but most of the time I spent walking and enjoying nature. Well, I want to stop this now. I have been rambling but since you are a newbie, I hope this will help you in your new life's journey. And anyone reading this, do you know where I can get that lil century club card for when I hit -100 in just 5 pounds from now? Amy 349/255/170
   — ImanAbdulaziz

September 21, 2008
Being that you do have your stomach still, and hunger and all....If you can eat less than a cup of food...don't eat more! I had RNY but the same theory should apply about fullness. Don't eat a cup because you "should" be able to. I was just telling someone that I can eat a good 6-7 ounce piece of meat...but often I will only eat 1/2 to 3/4 because I KNOW that it will satisfy me for hours. I think that has kept me from gaining a lot of weight back. Your tool can and will work for you with this method. NEVER eat more than what you eat once your weight loss stops. Whether that be 8 0r 10 ounces, unless it's salad (which is all water mostly) I eat a salad when I get the urge to finish that 6-7 ounces of meat! Plus the enzymes in salad sit on top of your protein and help break it down...(So eat salads last...not first) Just a little trivia! I honestly don't know much about the band, but with RNY it take a lot of abuse (over eating all the time) to stretch the pouch...Again, I imagine the same with lap band. Don't eat til you are packed to the gils! I used to eat like that before surgery...I was not happy until I was stuffed. I will not eat like that again...ever! It was half my trouble along with the rich foods I liked! Good luck! You can do this!
   — .Anita R.

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