
Has anyone in there past been afraid to ask a guy out that you are chrushing on because of your weight. If so how did you face up to the challange.Because I have been chrushing on this one guy forever PLEASE HELP and i know it is not really related to obesity sorry just had to ask    — marybeth weaver (posted on October 18, 2009)

October 18, 2009
First, Are you friends with this guy or is he a co-worker or jsut an aquaintance? I was in a similar situation once and he was a co-worker. I found out through a friend what he liked (Texas Longhorn Football team) and I came to work on casual Friday wearing a Longhorn shirt which he noticed and he actually started talking to me first. It was easy after that to get to know him and YES I did eventually go out with him. GOOD LUCK!!
   — Zattanna1

October 18, 2009
i am personally of the opinion that if a guy doesn't ask you out he isn't interested. maybe it's from "the rules" or "he's just not that into you" but it makes sense to me and in my experience it's worked out that way.
   — greenpunchbuggie

October 19, 2009
Ok you are still waiting for surgery, so being heavy makes it hard sometimes to approach people. It is also hard to start a relationship while going through a major change in who you are. If he approaches you great but I would put off any moves for now. Just focus on getting healthy and then figure out realtionships. Many people who are in relationships when they have surgery find they are difficult to maintain. So a new realtionship will likely fall apart.
   — trible

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