
I was just diagnosed with Type 2 Diebetes... blood sugars at 333... for those of you who had Type 2 prior to RNY surgery, how long did it take you to come off your meds?    — Kathleen O. (posted on February 7, 2010)

February 7, 2010
i am a type 2 diabetic having bypass surgery tomorrow morning. i just took a shot of insulin and my oral meds.
   — Gary123

February 7, 2010
I was off insulin (4 shots per day) three days after having RNY. My AIC blood levels were above 10! Now, 7 months post-op, my AIC is around 5. (and 95 lbs. is gone!)
   — ericahamel

February 7, 2010
I had my Surgery Jan 7th this year my personal physican took me off all my meds 2 wks after my surgery no more Type 2 Diabetes...
   — dorisgarcia

February 7, 2010
mine went away almost immediately after surgery. I had already lost 40 lbs before surgery.
   — cydthekid50

February 7, 2010
Cutting the Duodenum effectively cures type 2 diabetes, so much so that they are trying to enact legislation to remove the 100 pound over stipulation for type 2 diabetics. I am a type 1 diabetic,and was taking 600-700 units per day pre-surgery. I now am taking 36 Lantus and 16 Humalog of insulin. It doesn't cure juvenile onset diabetes, but it sure kicks it's but and makes it have more manners.I went from 300 Lantus and 400 Humalog to what I am now, 6-7 shots to two shots from an insulin pen. 22 perscriptions to 3...and in 19 months, I have lost 172 pounds and 227 inches off my waist. Yeah, it's worth it.
   — Dusty Ray Vaughn

February 7, 2010
I was like Cydne. I had lost 30 pounds before surgery. The day after surgery they did a hemaglobin A1C test on me and immediatly took me off diabetes meds.
   — Muggs

February 8, 2010
I was a type 2 diabetic. On 9 medications and shots 2 times per day. Dr. told me not to take any meds the day of surgery and I never have taken any since then. My A1C was 9.8 before surgery my sugars ranged from 160 and on up into the low 300's. The day after surgery my blood sugars were about 130, 2 days later they were running about 90. My A1c now is 5.4 and my sugars run anywhere from 60 to 110. I now have to watch how low I go especially when exercising, I ride a racing bike about 40 miles 3 -4 times a week and I have to take protein bars with me or my blood sugar goes too low and I get really shaky. Best thing I ever did was have RNY and I would recommend it for any diabetic. Surgery was 12/12/08 I am now a size 6 and down 118 pounds. Good luck
   — brindledanes

February 8, 2010
I had the VSG over a year ago. MY blood sugar did not drop as quickly as the other people who posted here, but I was consistently running over 300 points and taking insulin, glucophage, and metformin. Two months after my surgery, I stopped taking my medications when I ended up having low blood sugar, and needed to eat sweets to keep from having my blood sugar drop below 50 points. I have not needed meds since.
   — hubarlow

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