I am seeking people over 400 lbs who had WLS

I have a cousin who is about to undergo WLS on August 29th and is very very nervous. He is 45 yrs old and over 400 lbs. He does not get online so I am looking for success stories I could print out and send to him before his date. I am also needing to know if things are different post op for someone who is very morbidly obese and if so what is there he should know to expect. I appreciate any and all help in this. Please feel free to email me at [email protected] Thanks everyone! Carrie LaFleur 6/19/00 Open RNY -55#!    — jodysgirl (posted on August 17, 2000)

August 17, 2000
Hi there!<br><br> I weighed in at 530 when I had my surgery,and have lost 255 pounds in 11 months. You can click here to go to <a href="">my website</a> to get my story as well as photos. Congrats on your loss, Carrie!<br><br>Blessings,
   — Cindy Lou C.

August 17, 2000
You may also want to join the egroup mailing list to get stories from <a href="">WLS 400plus</a>. There area over 200 members who are 400# or more. Good luck to you! <a href="">Home Page</a>.
   — [Deactivated Member]

August 17, 2000
My name is Anita Wilson-Taylor and I too weighed ober 400 pounds. 426 to be exact. I had surgery 7/15/99 and lost 56 lbs by Dec. 99. But I have not lost anything since then - NOW please do not think I am the typical story because I am not. But yesterday I went to my nutritionist and found out that very very obeses people can sometimes have a physiological barrier within them that has gotten so used to being fat that when you have surgery and the weight starts to come off -it (meaning your body) refuses to allow this to happen. even though the surgery is doing what it is supposed to be doing. that is wheere WE come in. The surgery is not a cure for obesity it is merely an avenue to control it. LLots or people loose hundreds of pounds after surgery every day - but other may run into some obstacles., but to be sure - do not let this deter them from having it. I have an excellent site I want you and your cousin to check out. I am currently putting together a site of my own and I will also give you that link. When you check it out resister as a memeber and I can then keep you upfdate on new features and information as well as postings and chats on the site. please feel free to call me (334) 690-7043 Daytime or (334) 452-2626 nights if you have any further question. I am in the minority when it comes to people loosing weight after WLS but I would not have changed a thing. This surgery has saved my life and I will tell that to anyone.
   — anitawilson

August 17, 2000
I weighed 415 the day I had my surgery exactly 9 months ago today. Today I weigh 219 pounds -- a loss of of 196 pounds. The recuperation wasn't bad at all---mostly just completely wiped out from it. I follow my surgeon's aftercare program to the letter --- absolutely no sugar and no bread either. I can have bread after the first year, but only small amounts then. Sugar is gone for good -- and, it does make me dump so the surgery worked for me that way. That was one of the reasons I chose it, because I was so addicted to sugar. I exercise at least four times a week for one hour per day. If you have any other questions, please feel free to email me at [email protected] anytime. Hope this helps.
   — Jari M.

August 17, 2000
There is a support group for people over 400lbs: I am a member, my surgery is next week 8/22. Wls400plus is a great support group.Very open about the problems of super obese people. Cathy
   — Cathy N.

August 17, 2000
Hi Carrie!! The day of my surgery, I weighed 539lbs!! That was on 7/29/99. I've lost 207lbs now and feel great!! My profile is on this site under my name (of course)!! LOL!! I don't want to talk your eyes off, so, all I can say is that this was the best and biggest decision I made in my life and I do not regret it whatsoever!!!! Tell your cousin to be brave!! Yes, surgery is very scary, no matter what it's for!!! But, when you get over 400lbs, it's safe to say that you're at the end of your rope!! I know I was!! Well, don't want to take up too much more space so if you or your cousin would like to email me, PLEASE DO!!! My email addy is [email protected] Be good to you and yours and take care!!! :)
   — Dawne H.

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