What about mastectomy instead?

Has anyone approached a Dr. about a modified mastectomy instead of breast reduction? If so, what was the reaction and answer?    — Darla M. (posted on July 6, 2003)

July 6, 2003
I'm not sure what your reasoning for this would be. In a mastectomy they remove all kinds of tissue, lymph nodes, with the point being to remove tumorous cells, and leaves the patient essentially flat - no breast left. A lumpectomy is where they take just the section in trouble and try to leave the breast basically its regular shape as much as possible. A breast reduction is removing fat and reshaping the skin to be a smaller version of a regular breast - not in any way related to cancer treatment. If this is for insurance purposes it certainly won't fly. If because of an incredibly-strong family history of breast cancer, (more than one first-degree relative) you MIGHT be able to get it covered, but then would have no breasts and your self esteem, sexuality, all kinds of things are then effected. If you wanted breasts you'd have to go through reconstruction too. A mastectomy is done by a general surgeon, a breast reduction by a plastic surgeon. They are really not the same at all. If you are asking something I missed, feel free to email me. [email protected]
   — bethybb

July 7, 2003
perhapos she meant mastopexy wish is just a breast lift with no reduction of breast tissue....
   — bekka K.

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