Is it possible to lose 18lbs in 8 days?

I'm 2 months post op and when I went on the scale at the doctors office I lost 18lbs in 8 days. Is this possible? I'm not complaining just curious if it can come off that fast.    — MneMoons (posted on July 23, 2003)

July 23, 2003
Very possible fluids etc. Your profile is blank so no idea what your pre-op weight was, a lot of times the bigger you are the faster the weight comes off. Enjoy it while you can!!
   — HelpMeRhonda !!

July 23, 2003
I would say yes it is possible. BUT I have a question, did you weigh on the same scale both times? If one weight was done at home 8 days ago (or even another scale somewhere else), it could show a significant difference. Also the time of day can make a difference. Was one weight done in the morning before eating or drinking and the other done late in the day. All these factors will impact what the scales says even if done on the same scales both times. Just my thoughts.
   — [Deactivated Member]

July 23, 2003
My sister-in-law lost 36 pounds in 14 days, so yes, it is possible.
   — y0maria

July 23, 2003
Yes it is possible I am 4 weeks post op and am down 40 lbs. 6-9 lbs. of that was water weight and I was 296 and am now 255.5. LAP RNY 6/26/03
   — jane O.

July 23, 2003
I lost 20 lbs in one day before. (I bout fell off the scale) It was in the first month or two after surgery. I weighed myself everyday (I know, shoot me) I had lost 30+ lbs then it came to a screaching halt for over 2 weeks. I was real depressed about it, but I got on the scale the next day and had lost 20lbs. No joke. I'm sure it was alot of retained water...but geez, was a shock nonetheless.
   — RebeccaP

July 23, 2003
it sure is possible and very wonderful!! keep the goodwork going!! good luck
   — nan K.

July 23, 2003
it sure is possible and very wonderful!! keep the goodwork going!! good luck
   — nan K.

July 23, 2003
Early on I lost 15 pounds in 3 days. I guess anything is possible!
   — mrsmyranow

July 23, 2003
At the end of my first month, I weighed in at 417 but had started at over 500; in fact, my waist shrunk by 10 inches. So, in my case, I had lost over 80 pounds in 30 days.
   — SteveColarossi

July 23, 2003
YES I lost 18 # in 7 days--then only ten over the next 7 weeks--don't worry this may be your only chunk loss
   — who A.

July 24, 2003
Yes. I lost 22lbs in my 1st 8 days post-op which was surprising considering alot gain weight initially with all the fluids from the hospital. Good Luck. Heather Open RNY 8-15-02 305/187/150
   — heathercross

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