how can you tell if you have a hernia?

i have this area under my breast, it's not painful but its very noticeable. can anyone tell what to look for?    — Barbara M. (posted on June 21, 2004)

June 22, 2004
An inguinal hernia is when a loop of intestine enters the inguinal canal, a tubular passage through the lower layers of the abdominal wall. Usually, there is no apparent cause of a hernia, although they are sometimes associated with heavy lifting. A hernia occurs when part of an organ (usually the intestine) protrudes through a weak point or tear in the thin muscular wall that holds the abdominal organs in place. The mass may increase in size when coughing, bending, lifting, or straining.
   — smoore_911

June 22, 2004
If you suspect you have a hernia you should go see your surgeon to rule out any urgent comlpications. They don't always hurt. If it's under the breast it is not an inguinal one, those would be in the groin area. :-) Good luck.
   — catleth

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