Is $22,000 too much for this combination?

I was quoted $8000 for the stomach, $6000 for breasts, $4000 per arm, and $4000 for neck. He told me he would do it all for $22,000 and that would be with liposuction 'thrown in' in the various places where it was needed to provide nice contouring. Insurance probably won't touch any of it, so it is all going to be self pay. This total includes all hospital fees, and follow up care. I am almost 3 years p/o and tired of ill-fitting clothes (small in the shoulders/chest...wider in the middle), so I am SO ready for this!    — Cheri M. (posted on August 23, 2004)

August 22, 2004
Cheri, I was just looking at an incredible website for plastic/reconstructive surgery that I would like to share with all of us that are or will soon be interested in this. It is The practice is located in Virginia (outside of Richmond). The price that you were quoted seems to be awesome! Just make sure you've done your homework on the surgeon so that it doesn't cost you anything else before you undergo this. My best wishes to you. Lyric
   — Lyric

August 23, 2004
Are you doing it all at once??? I just did my TT and can't even imagine not having my arms to help me shift position. I hate to say it, I would thinkabout separating some of the procedures. Aside from a traumatic recovery, that is a lot of anesthesia for one time. The prices seem to be in the ballpark if those were separate items being done. I don't think the lipo is being thrown in. I am sure the fees are covering it. I wish you luck, but as I said, that is alot of work to tackle at once.
   — Fixnmyself

August 23, 2004
It would appear to be a good deal but make sure you know the details about the surgeon and have seen pictures of his work on WLS patients. We are a different animal when it comes to PS. Out results will not likely be the same as someone who's just tightening things up. I have had two PS's already with two procedures each time and while I am thrilled with the results, due to the quality of my skin some of the areas are not as tight now as they were at first. I plan to have a few revised when I have my legs done in Nov. My legs will be $9000 which includes a night in the hospital. This is complete with surgeon, surgery center, 1 night stay and anesthesiology. Make sure your surgery includes the anesthesiologist. Do not assume it is part of the hospital cost - verify. As that bill can be substantial. <p>My PS has quoted me a complete price of $12,800 for arms, breast lift and implants, so that is in line with what you have been told. I have very extensive bat wings to remove. He is figuring 6.5 hours of surgery at a minimum for all work. <p>The only thing I caution you on is doing all of this at once which I would be willing to bet his prices is based on. My LBL took 10.5 hours and 3 days in the hospital. My upper abdominoplasty (could not remove all at once due to strange anatomy, and very extensive lipo on my legs was 8.5 hours of surgery and 2 nights in the hospital. Both times I could not have imagined not having my arms to help me out. It would have been impossible. Maybe I had much more extensive work than you require too. I had 19 lbs removed with the LBL, 3 lbs with the upper panni work and 4 liters of fat removed from the legs. We anticipate I have another 6-10 lbs to remove from the legs and 3-5 from the arms. Just don't bite off too much. If you lose too much blood it can be a killer to recover. I know from experience. It took a month after my LBL before I began to feel normal again. I lost 5 units of blood and was transfused with 3. Good Luck and I know you will love the results!
   — zoedogcbr

August 23, 2004
Cheri~I agree that the quoted price sounds reasonable. Since others have mentioned this, I'll chime in with my experience. I had an extended abdominoplasty (cut about 2/3s of the way around), brachioplasty, liposuction, and skin removed from the sides of my breasts done all together. I had about 15 pounds of skin and fat removed, so it was substantial surgery. I've had absolutely no problems with having had so much done together, and with having my arms and abdomen done together. I was in the hospital from Thursday to Sunday, but by Sunday was able to go home and take care of myself, even sleeping in my own bed. Now, I do think I had a particularly easy time of it, and not everyone's experience will be the same as mine, but I had no difficulties having that series of surgeries done together. Best wishes.
   — Vespa R.

August 23, 2004
Cheri, I am scheduled for surgery on September 30th. I am getting a full facelift, neck lift, upper and lower eyelids and eyebrows lifted. I am also getting a mini arm lift with lipo. Also a breast lift with augmentation. My total is around 24K. That also includes hospital fees and so on. Sounds like your pricing is right in there. Let us all know how it goes. Good Luck and God Bless Debbie D.
   — debbie11092002

August 23, 2004
I received a abdominoplasty, breast lift, implants and lipo to my abdomen and inner and outer thighs for only $8000 total. That included surgical center fees, anethesia, Dr fees and even follow up visits. I found a great doctor at my teaching hospital (he was still a student) but now he has opened his own practice. He has been a surgeon for about ten years but is not into plastic surgery. He also happens to be an artist in his free time, but I can say the work he did on me is also a peice of art. He has the most excellent bedside manner I have ever experienced. I stayed in a nearby hotel to cut expenses but had the option of staying in the hospital for $400 a night. I did fine in the hotel and he even came there to check on me. He is is Bradenton, Fl about one hour south of Tampa and his name is Dr. Joshua Kreithen. He has a website at with before and after pictures. His phone # is 941-907-8174 there are people traveling from all over the US to see this Dr. I would highly recommend him! He is the best!
   — missysworld

September 10, 2004
I just had PS in May 2004. My total price was 8500.00, that included a breast lift, tummy tuck lipo under my arms, under my chin, R&L flank areas, and between my thighs. That price included Dr's fee, OR fee, overnight hospital stay, meds. My Dr was amazing and my results are out of this world. Good Luck!! My Plastice Surgeon is Dr. Gatti in Cherry Hill New Jersey.
   — kelley G.

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