
I am 4 years post op. I have gained back about 40 pounds. I am addicted to sugar. My question, I guess is, has anyone fought the sugar demon, lost their cravings and ultimately lost re-gained weight (or more)? I've never got to goal weight, by the way. I also hear a lot about eating sugar moderately vs. NO SUGAR AT ALL. I would love any feedback from you guys! Thanks!    — mariposah (posted on September 13, 2007)

September 13, 2007
Hi, I am preop but know the sugar demon well! I have had to accept the fact that I am addicted to sugar. The only way I can beat the cravings is to go cold turkey. I learned from Alanon to count the ingredients on every package of whatever and not eat anything with any kind of sugar..including corn syrup..a biggie above # 5 on the list. I still get into sugar every so often and it takes me a week to get back on track. For me cold turkey is the ONLY way.. jan
   — jayme1943

September 13, 2007
I am 10 months post op and pretty much at goal weight. I had a sugar addiction too and I have not had any sugar since surgery...I try to keep at 5 grams or less per serving and haven't had any trouble with dumping...I will not test the waters because I don't want the addiction to come back. If you want something sweet, you need to stick to sugar free chocolate and candy. Watch portion size because of the sugar alcohols.
   — Sheri A.

September 13, 2007
Read William Dufty's Sugar Blues, if you never have read it before. Think of sugar as poison and things with sugar in it as packaged poison. Work to develop a negative impression of sugar by building up your knowledge of the bad stuff it does. Good luck! (I am an empathetic pre-op former pastry addict.)
   — [Deactivated Member]

September 13, 2007
Read William Dufty's Sugar Blues, if you never have read it before. Think of sugar as poison and things with sugar in it as packaged poison. Work to develop a negative impression of sugar by building up your knowledge of the bad stuff it does. Good luck! (I am an empathetic pre-op former pastry addict.)
   — [Deactivated Member]

September 14, 2007
During my first three months after surgery I was unable to tolerate white sugar. I detoxed off of it involuntarily. I shivered. I shook. I had diarrhea. I grieved. Went through withdrawals and now??? I'm off it for good. Don't want it. Don't crave it. Glad to be free of the demon once and for all! I'm 120 down one year post op. I eat when I'm hungry and stop when I'm full. When I want a sweet dessert I have Stonyfield Farm yogurt (Chocolate Underground), sugar free ice pops, sugar free jello, low sugar whole grain cereal and of course FRESH fruit. I wish you well. Lisa
   — belovedideas

September 14, 2007
I will be 1 year postop this November. I'm at my goal weight and I stay away from sugar. I was addicted too but found once I gave it up the cravings went away. I try to keep foods I eat under 9 grams of sugar per serving and I do not eat desserts unless they are sugar free or no sugar added and I keep them limited. Once you get off the sugar after a few months you probably won't crave it anymore. Hope this helps.
   — [Deactivated Member]

September 14, 2007
I have been a sugar junky too - still am. The only thing that has ever worked for me is to stick to reduced carbohydrate items. Sugar is a SIMPLE carb vs. the COMPLEX carbs in most fruit. There is a withdrawal period when you decrease those simple sugars. Thank God there are lots of sugar free options nowadays in the foods we can choose from. They may cost more money and some have side effects (laxative effects) due to the sugar alcohols in them. So if you eat too much, negative reinforcement will help remind you next time you splurge too much. I say go low carb, try to do complex carb, low glycemic index foods. has lots of sugar free desserts....good luck.
   — NMlakerFan

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