I had surgery, stage 2 right now, are vitamins supposed to make me feel crappy!

Im thinking it might take time to get used to it,,but i really would like to know if im the only one who feels like this.    — hunt (posted on January 16, 2008)

January 16, 2008
What kind of surgery? When was it? If you had RNY it's not the vitamins making you "feel crappy." You just had MAJOR surgery and you are going to feel icky until about a month out! Slow down, rest when you can and walk walk walk walk when you can as well. Drink as many liquids as you can and at about 1 month you should notice a huge change in energy levels, no more swelling of the abdomen, and not really sore anymore etc. Good luck, God bless and welcome to the losing side!
   — crystalsno

January 16, 2008
Vitamin pills can be hard to digest for some people. I found this to be true for me. I take a very good liquid vitamin. No digestion problems, it's working within minutes, and my stomach is not filled with vitamin pills in the digestion process for 2 hours or more. Data on the vitamins I take is on my profile page.
   — Dave Chambers

January 16, 2008
When did you have suregery and what type. It is not on your page. RNY is major surgery and you are losing some fat so that will make you feel crappy and maybe even depressed. Give it 4 weeks and you will feel a lot better and by 6 weeks you should feel like your old self. Rapid weight loss will affect how you feel, but its worth it.
   — William (Bill) wmil

January 16, 2008
I had trouble finding the right vitamins for me that didn't hurt my stomach or make me gag. I stumbled upon shaklee vitamins ( Vitamins should not make you feel crappy but you have to realize that you are in the early starges and your body is changing rapidly. I'm glad that you are taking the vitamsin. Also vema ( are drinkable vitamins and they taste great. I wish I had found them earlier during my post op stages. I still stick with shaklee vitamins. Good luck and let us know how you make out.
   — Ambitious

January 16, 2008
I had VSG, also major surgery. Our doc has us taking 2 Flintstones with Iron. I felt tired and a little icky for 6 to 8 weeks. Hang in there! It all gets better. Pat
   — pjennjr

January 17, 2008
When are you taking your vitamins? If you are taking them on an empty stomach they will make feel sick. Also when I was on that stage I found I was feeling crappy was not because of the vitamins but it was because I was not taking in enough protein. I would suggest calling your nutritionist and go over your diet and vitamin regiment with him/her to get you on a schedule that will keep you on a regular path. It sure helped me. Good luck and Best Wishes on your weight lose journey :)
   — iwilllose

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