Took 1hr to eat double cheeseburger from mcd's is this real bad? 1yr out rny

   — barbie66 (posted on December 24, 2008)

December 24, 2008
Speaking from experience, I am 5 years post op. Stay away from fast food. If you must, at least get the kiddie burger. I can only eat 1/2 of the smallest burger. You don't have to eat the whole thing. I am not even sure if you should eat one of their burgers that is an hour old. LOL! I totally understand though. I am a working mom and have gone through the drive thru more times than I would like to admit. Happy Holidays!!!!
   — Carlyn M.

December 24, 2008
I would be careful not to return to the habits that led you to WLS in the first place! Good luck and take care of your tool, so you can be a good statistic! Happy Holidays!
   — lesleigh07

December 24, 2008
First, an hour to eat any meal is too long...GRAZING!!!!...I have stopped at a McD's for a burger when traveling...I admit. But you should have only ordered a burger at the most Or eaten only half or a quarter of it...Eat only what you can within 15 minutes and STOP EATING! It's no longer your mothers plate...YOU DO NOT HAVE TO FINISH ALL YOUR FOOD! Throw it away! It's only a dollar! Eat half...Throw away half the bread! You need to reevaluate here sweetie... A double cheese burger is almost 6 oz. Serving Size: 5.8 oz (165 g); Calories: 365, Total Fat: 22g, Carbs: 20g, Protein: 23g The totals for fat is high, I'm surprised you didn't have diarreah from all that saturated fat...It's not so much the food choice that is the trouble though...(although it's certainly not a great one either LOL) It's that you were intent on eating the entire thing even if it took you an hour. THis is the biggest reason for post op weight gain...GRAZING...You learn to eat slowly and you can eat and eat all day...sugar, carbs, fat...all of it. DO NOT DO THAT AGAIN! Seriously! Stop eating after 15 -20 minutes and do not eat for at least 3 hours after a meal! You don't have to finish your food! Those days are over! So just a little hand come here and give me a hug! LOL By the way....I can eat a double cheese burger...I throw away most of the bun though...and I don't do it except when I am flat broke and in need of a meal with just the change in the bottom of my purse! I can count on one hand how many fast food burgers I've eaten since WLS in 5 years! But I did try it! I admit!
   — .Anita R.

December 24, 2008
My doc made it a rule that your not to eat for more than 1/2 hour to avoid overeating. Also to eat the protein first. I don't know why you chose a Cheeseburger, but you need to look at some other food choices. You obviously must have had some trouble with it, the bread I know I couldn't handle and I'm 2 years out. I never go to fast food places, I can get into enough trouble in regular restaurants, or at home even! Carole M
   — carolem

December 24, 2008
hi there an hour is long there is nothing wrong with a double cheesburger as long as you throwthe bun and maybe save the other patty fora later time so in the long run what do you have left when i go to Mcd i choose the grill chucken snack wrap with extra lettuce and tomatoe which is next to none anyway with ranch and ithrow away ovr half the tortilla and my dietician says that is fine.Just a warning i am 4 months out and have doen this and i can eat approximately half cup to 3/4 cup of food and i feel i am a slow loser because i can eat and also it is bad when you discover that not all sugar and fat bothers me i know i can eat it to an extent i wish i never had tried i do not dump on small amounts of chocolate or fat froma burger but i have tried chinese and felt very terrible so i cannot do it again.have you lost all of your weight ? mine was a junior double cheeseburger try not to order any adult size yes its bad but moveon and try to start again. Everyday i try to not cheat but i feel like the worst right now to know you feel bad at 1 year and i have donethis from month or 2 ago . Good luck i wish you well sorry for all the babble but i feel like this everyday.i have lost 50 lbs since Aug 8 and i think i should have lost more and i started at 360 .
   — cathacus

December 24, 2008
Just to add iam down a total of 76 lbs from July 18 to Aug 8 i lost23 lbs on Optifast. this is very slow
   — cathacus

December 24, 2008
I stop at Taco Bell for their fresco tacos, but I haven't touched a burger since before surgery on 9-25-08. I had RNY and have totally changed the way I look at food. You have to think PROTEIN first. McD's, especially a double burger, isn't all that great of a choice. I miss them, yes, but I have to think of my stomach and what goes into it. Their snack wraps are a better choice, minus what you can tear off of the tortilla. They tend to gum up and get stuck. Lost 80 pounds since the end of Sept! Good luck!
   — Jean Ann T.

December 25, 2008
I may have missed it reading through fairly quickly, but I didn't see where anyone here mentioned that McD's makes a great salad. You can get it w/ grilled chicken for protein and have your greens too. These are the choices we all should be making if we're stopping for fast food. A little more spendy, yes, but so much better for us. I recently had to stop and get something for my kids there, picked up a salad for myself and I could only eat about 1/4 cup of it, but it sure tasted good, was filling (plus I knew I could eat again in a couple of hours) and the best thing on the menu for me. Best to you, I know the other 'bad' stuff sounds better, but you've got to do what is best for your body!
   — spicymama

December 26, 2008
I work two jobs and may times I need to grab a quick bite to get in all of my protien. I've found the Wendy's Jr. Hamburger is better tasting than McDonald's - and it's within my fat guidlines. Try it sometime... Also I add Wendy's Hot Chili Sauce to my burger... only 5 calories and 0 fat.
   — RMM1108

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