3 year out....I need help!

Ok, so here's the quick version of my issues: Had surgery in Dec 05, lost 110 lbs. Never quite made my goal of 160, hit about 180 or so and gained about 6 lbs back. Got pregnant with twins, they are now 9 months old. I gained 53 lbs while pregnant and lost all but about 10, so I'm now at 200lbs. There are some things I can't eat, but I'm so confused about good carbs/bad carbs, and I have pretty big issues with gas. Where I think it's ok (and even a good choice) to eat bell peppers, cucumbers, and things of that nature, they are the same foods that show up on my no-no list for gas problems. Anyone out there who can help me with a diet strategy? I try not to eat white flour products, but all the wheat stuff is on my no-no list too! HELP!! Thanks!    — Amber A. (posted on January 20, 2009)

January 20, 2009
Congratulations on the twins. Well this is a good place to get some answers as you want to get back on track and lose those extra lbs. I realize that it might be hard to go back to the basics and work your way forward but if I were you, I would go back to the basics and develop my diet around good protein. Yogurt, cottage cheese, eggs over medium etc. You are right about the peppers, cucumbers giving you gas. Good luck on your journey to be healthy. Susan
   — susangielda06

January 20, 2009
ok so here is te restart program. Eat only protien and veg for a week. This will help get your body use to not having carbs. slowly re introduce fruit. Avoid adding carbs. this will kick start your weight loss. This is what my peogram says you should stay on forever. You can have carbs but they only slow the weight loss and don't help you much. Most people in our group do eat limited carbs with meals.
   — trible

January 21, 2009
I am 5 1/2 years post op. Met my goal then gained back 30. Right now I am eating 1300 calories a day, making sure I get 8 glasses of water in a day and excercise at least 5 times a week for 20 min. I have lost 7 pounds in the last 2 weeks. Write everything down you eat. Good luck to you. I know how hard it is with babies to focus on yourself. It will take some planning. I plan my days worth of food the night before.
   — Carlyn M.

January 21, 2009
Sweetie, right now you need to just kick the sugar and white carbs...Get rid of high fat foods too...and any junk that comes in bags and didn't have a mama or come from the dirt or dropped off a tree or swam in the ocean! LOL You get the idea. If they took a healthy veggie/meat and deep fried it...that cancels out it's orginal "came from nature" idea! So with sugar and simple carbs gone, your gas will subside! Start taking probiotics or eat yogurt! That will calm your pouch...noises and smells too! AND will get your gut in a healthy state! Start logging your food intake (everything to put in your mouth needs a number...Calories, carbs, protein, fat and fiber. Add all these numbers up daily so you know what your average is...At the end of the week you will need to cut 500 calories a day from your diet to lose a pound a day...(3500 calories is one lb) If you exercise you can double and tripple that number by burning calories! WLS does not change weight loss into rocket science...The bottom line have to know calories in...and calories out to lose weight! If you are eating more calories than you need for maintance, you gain...If you want to lose you need to eat less and work out... You will find that this is quite tedious and a lot of work too...but it is the best way to lose weight and KNOW why it is or is not working! You will better understand how your body works when you begin weighing and measuring food and servings...The same WLS rules apply...Only smaller,leaner and healthier portions and choices is all that is needed to get back on track! Weigh out your portion sizes...Take no more than the recommended serving size to get an idea what you should be eating as a normal small person! Give yourself time too...All the plateus and stalls will still happen and will frustrate the living heck outta you! But that is a normal process when losing...Just remember it will happen so don;t give up! This is how you need to lose and then when youhave lost what you want, you can slowly add back some cals or special treats in moderation...It's work though, no easy way around it! Here's a great place to start a food log and get the nutritional values of the foods you eat for your journal... or AND...if you have not beenin for labs, you might want to make sure you vitamin levels and thyroid etc are all in good levels! Take your vits and supps too if you have slacked off! Good luck! You can do this! But give yourself time....and congrats on the babes!
   — .Anita R.

January 21, 2009
Here's a few things to consider regarding gas problems. If you know you can eat peppers, cucumbers without problem then take them in moderation. If your are not sure, try peppers alone one time and cucumber another and see what gives you problems. Or, it could be the gas is due to other things like: lactose intolerance (milk, most whey protein drinks, etc.); getting too much air in when you eat or drink (drinking through a straw is not good); or even a need for some Acidophilus (the good bacteria for your digestion, you can find it at vitamin or health stores). Hope these ideas help. Good luck!
   — Amy C.

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