Full Body Lift

Has anyone long-term post-op had a full body lift? I am interested in approximate cost, recovery, etc. I am almost 3 years post-op and down from 326 to 165 and need this very badly. Please post or email me ([email protected]) with any details. Thank you...    — dl_roark (posted on January 12, 2006)

January 12, 2006
Check out this website. This is the only doctor that is doing the total body lift right now. (But I could be wrong) But I do know this is the guy who developed the procedure. He has recently been on The Today Show. I was very impressed and I am saving my money up now. I have about 120 more pounds to go. I started out at 360 and now 7 months later I am down to 250. So I am very excited about getting to go see him. I am planning the trip in the fall to get an accurate idea of the cost.
   — Patricia C.

January 13, 2006
Hi, Consider Overseas options- Low-cost, World-class care in India, For Full body lift approximate cost $ 9000 including Travel, surgery, accomodations. You may contact for details- [email protected] Good Luck, AK
   — medtours

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