Back pain related to sagging buttocks, thighs, stomach?

Post op 5 years BPD-DS, lots of sagging skin on buttocks, inner & outer thighs and belly. Strained back several months ago and continue to have problems, when it should be resolved by now. Could my continuing problems be related to the sagging skin that perhaps keep the strained muscles stressed? Wear support hose 16 hrs a day, still have daily swelling in hips and thighs. Summer coming, time for the rashes to start again. Anyone had these same problems and have been able to resolve them with surgery? Did insurance pay?    — Madelyne (posted on March 10, 2006)

March 10, 2006
after I lost all my weight I had a hanging lower stomach and rashes like there is no tomorrow. I went to the doctor at least once a month and it took us 1 1/2 year of fighting with the insurance company to have him pay for the tummy tuck. Since I am OK and no more rashes and pain.
   — Dani96

March 10, 2006
Yes, excess weight in the front of your body can cause you to strain your back. I would have a back ache if I stood on my feet for too long. One thing to keep in mind with soft tissue injuries that it can take 6-9 months for it to heal, I hurt my back pretty bad about 10+ years back and I was told that by my ortho doc and the physical therapist I went to.
   — ChristineB

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