Does gallbladder pain start all at once or can it "gradually" build?

I've many posts that say a gallbladder attack is pretty acute but is that always the case? Two weeks ago I had a raging stomach virus (which caused me to wretch violently - I couldn't stop it from happening and nothing came up) and since then I've been having - off and on - a nagging little pain on my right side in what I think is the gallbladder area. Any thoughts? Thanks so much! Pamela    — Pambylah (posted on July 5, 2006)

July 5, 2006
I had an acute gallbladder attack. But before the attack I had a short period of time where it felt like heartburn no pulling type of pain and then the attack that sent me to the emergency room. I ended up spending a couple of days there to rule out other issues and eventually had it removed. The surgeon stated it had been due to the diet history I had and the diet I was on that triggered it. My gallbladder showed alot of small stones that he attributed to my diet history. Due to all the small stones he had stated that medication would break them up but could cause another attack that could be worse and still require surgery. You may have pulled a muscle. If it is constant and nagging you may want to be checked out. Before anyone goes off this was my experience with my doctor.
   — 1968 Loser

July 5, 2006
Pam- the old adage for gallbladder is "fair-fat-fertil and forty" (fair-female, fat-, fertile-still menstruating, and forty- about that age), gallbladder pain is not always in the upper right quad- often times it is referred to other areas- mine mimiced cardiac pain- it often starts after dieting and losing weight and certain food will cause it to act up- such as spicey - fatty or alcohol. Best bet is to go see your doctor and have him/her check you out. Sometimes the nagging sort of pain which lasts if from what doc's call 'sand' not a real stone yet. Hope this helps. Donna
   — dabby

July 5, 2006
I had my gallbladder removed 10 yrs ago, and you will know you have when you eat foods that are high in fat you get this pain that hurts so bad that nothing you do will go away. My pain started in the chest area, then went under my rib cage and i could feel it all the way down my spine, my clothes just touching my skin hurt, I've never expirance pain like that before. I remember I had a small piece of sheperds pie no more then a tablespoon and 30 minutes later i was curled up in a ball crying because the pain hurt so bad and it lasted for hours. the doc thought it t was Appendicitis at first, because the pain was very similar to that of a gall bladder attact. Just watch what you eat over the next few day, and if it contines go and ee your doc. Good luck
   — Jenney

July 5, 2006
I had my surgery just over 3 months ago and after the first month when I started to eat normal foods again half the time I would get flushed and wretch violently with nothing coming up and couldn't stop either I thought it was the food I was eating and let it go a couple weeks until every thing I ate or drank except water would cause that reaction within half an hour I went to my surgeon he asked if I had any gallbladder problems ever and I hadn't ever but he ordered an ultra sound and when he got the results back it sai a few stone he took my gallbladder out thenext day and with in about a week and a half I was able to start eating without any problems he said I shouldn't have waited so long I was starting to lose a pound and a half a day towards the end and I'm just back to work today snce my surgery from the complication. Go see your doctor he'll order an ultrasound and then you'll know better safe than sorry!

July 5, 2006
I too had my gall bladder out (inflammed gallbladder and 18 gall stones) and yes like you it was a nagging little pain on my right side.. but the pain started to increase and would last longer and longer each time then it wouldnt go away. Couldnt sleep hurt all the time. Ultra sound found the problem!
   — rinkadinktx

July 6, 2006
mine started out like little pains here and there, nothing MAJOR.........especially when I ate certain foods (although at the time I didn't know that's what was causing it) and then one night I had SERIOUS pain and ended up in the ER. But it was probably a good month or more of smaller pains here and there before the big attack. I was diagnosed with 30+gallstones and had my gallbladder out 10 days later. HTH
   — cedsangel

July 6, 2006
Hi there i also had the gallbladder pain and it was the worst pain i have ever had i went 3 weeks before they finally took it out 8 weeks ago and i am finally feeling like a human for the first time in a year but i was 344 to 170 in a year
   — lisalew

July 7, 2006
Pamela, I too had GB trouble without knowing it for an extended period of time. My pain was on my left flank area for oh about 5 years. I thought I had an alien that only came out when I was sitting in class. I thought my pants were too tight. Hmmmm it finally dawned on me that it almost always happened after a meal. I went to the ER at 3am with back pain and they told me I had one huge stone that was blocking the duct every once in awhile. It would relax and I could go one with life. So, everyone is different. You should speak to your doctor and tell him the symptoms. Ask if they will do a ultrasound or CT scan. Something. Getting mine removed was the best thing. I felt free of my alien! Hope this helps and I really hope you feel better! Regina
   — reginagoiburn

July 10, 2006
For 2 years, I would wake up about 1:00am once a week with nausea. After a few minutes, I would vomit twice. I just assumed that it was something I ate because I would immediately feel better and be able to go back to sleep. Finally, I had the acute attack. I was unable to stand up when I had that attack. When I went to the doctor, I found our that the episodes I was having once a week were signs that I had gall stones.
   — [Deactivated Member]

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