Does anyone know if stomach ulcers will delay p\or prevent me from having lapban surg

I just had an endoscopy and found that I have 3 small stomach ulcers and one in my esophagus. I am now on alot of antibiotics and prevacid to get them to heal. But I was wondering if this will cause me not to be able to have my surgery for a while.    — Beth_B (posted on September 2, 2006)

September 2, 2006
Part of the purpose of the EGD is to see if you have any ulcers, and to get them healed before surgery. I had one and they found a small ulcer, I was put on medications and had another EGD 2 months later. All was well and surgery was then scheduled.
   — oceanrayne

September 2, 2006
That is why they perform that test as well as the upper GI -- to check for stomach ulcers and any other micro-organisms that might be dwelling in the stomach. I'm also on a Prevacid pack twice a day for the next 14 days. Any issues with the stomach must be cleared up before the surgery, afterall, that is the portion that is going to be operated on. Think of it as going to the dentist and the dentist discovers you have an absess on a tooth. The absess has to be treated before the dentist is able to deal with the teeth. Trust me, during the pre-op phase if anything is found wrong before the surgery, you want it corrected. I haven't schedule my surgery yet because I'm recovering from thumb surgery and am in no particular hurry.
   — the7thdean

September 15, 2006
Hi Beth, I had my surgery back in 2002. The week before my surgery I had a bad episode with a stomach ulcer. I took medication for it and was still feeling discomfort when the day of surgery actually rolled around. I informed the surgeon's office as soon as I knew what was going on. I even asked my surgeon about it the morning of my surgery. He said that with the medication I had been taking, everything should be fine. I had RYN surgery and no problems whatsoever. I'm not saying this was the right thing - I'm just saying this is what I experienced. I have not had any ulcer related problems since 2002. That's wonderful!!! DebbieDoo
   — [Deactivated Member]

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