Does anyone have a suggestion to help with constipation

   — deannadyall (posted on May 1, 2007)

May 1, 2007
prune juice - 1/2c - usually works in about 30 minutes. if that doesn't work then i would ask your doctor.
   — akirsch

May 1, 2007
I take stool softner(ducosate) with stimulant 2 tabs 2 times a day and it has helped me alot..I get them at my local Walmart or you can get them at any pharmacy... If for some reason that doesn't for me I use a fleets enema(I know TMI) This is all approved by my Gastro-Dr. You can also take the ducosate(stool softner without stimulant) if it works for you.. it didn't for me.. Hope this has helped you out...
   — GEN D.

May 1, 2007
Smooth Move tea works well as does Senekot.
   — Sheri A.

May 1, 2007
I have been eating a few prunes daily. If that doesn't work, sometimes I take Miralax, it works really well.
   — jlw0423

May 1, 2007
I have been eating a few prunes daily. If that doesn't work, sometimes I take Miralax, it works really well.
   — jlw0423

May 1, 2007
YES! This was my biggest problem post-op...drove me CRAZY! I take a stool softener every day - the Walmart brand works just as good as the real stuff and it's so much cheaper. Miralax is now OTC - it's a powder you put in your drink and I promise you DO NOT taste it! The Smooth Move tea, personally, is absolutely disgusting but a lot of people like it. Be careful with using stimulants too often - you can become addicted to them and if you ever stop, your constipation can become worse! I ended up having to see a gastroenterologist and had a colonoscopy - not fun. He prescribed me a Rx called Lactulose - a liquid you put in your drink. Again, mixed well, you DO NOT taste it. I am all better now but I do use Fiber Sure every day religiously. Again (LOL) you don't taste it! Make sure you're getting enough fiber. Oatmeal is really good...roughage stuff...depends on how far out you are, though. Oh, you can also chew Benefiber tabs but they're kinda yucky, personally. If you'd like to talk, feel free to email me at [email protected]. Best of luck! ~Sarah in VA
   — platypus

May 1, 2007
You didn't say if the problem is boulders or not going. I also take stool softeners (store brand), 4 at night. Water, as in water, of course. Something hot to drink first thing in the morning, before food. And the final touch for me was magnesium oxide. Cheap, small pill size. And a person can never have too much magnesium. This form of mag is not readily absorbed into the system (like mag citrate - pill - supplement is), but just hangs around in the gut, which is why it works. You may have used mag citrate in a bottle for a clean-out before and we're not talking about that stuff here at all. Mag oxide is easily available. Adjust the dose to fit you. I take 2 pills 500mg each/day and that has so very helped me after years and years of struggle.
   — vitalady

May 1, 2007
Deanna, Benefiber -- no taste, no color, can stir in any drink and it disappears.
   — the7thdean

May 2, 2007
HI Deanna . i take stool softner walmart band 2 of them in the moring and then at night i take 2 senekot.. then by moring i am going ... i try to do this ever other day and its been wrking for me .. got to drink alot of water to go try to get more water in also it helps .. .i hope i was a help to u!! Roxanne
   — Roxanne piligno

May 2, 2007
I find that if I drink a cup of decaf coffee in the morning; or if I eat a yogurt, it helps to keep me regular and gets things moving in the morning.
   — Danita S.

May 3, 2007
Thanks for asking, many people suffer from constipation. I use Miralax, it is a powder that is by perscription only, but I use a half scoop in a glass of juice every other day, and it works great. Miralax is a laxitive, but it is non habit forming, cheap, has absolutely no taste to it, and works like a charm. Ask your surgeon to perscribe it for you and give it a try. It really works for me. Take care, Patricia P.
   — Patricia P

May 3, 2007

   — Tigs

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