6 weeks out and vomiting a lot

I'm six weeks out today from my lap rny and throwing up about everything I eat. I'm constantly making adjustments hoping it will get better. I chew chew chew and it still seems to get me. Most of the time I'm either eating refried beans or eggs 2 ounces measured. Dairy doesn't bother me. Is this normal? I don't want to bother my surgeon if this is something "we all just go through" but I tell ya, I'm feeling pretty crappy! lol    — pixiegirl27 (posted on May 9, 2008)

May 9, 2008
Vomiting alot is never normal. Call your doctor... you may just need an adjustment on your fill, or, as in my sister's case, she had some inflamation around the band that made her throw up, and reverting to a liquid diet for a few days made all the difference in the world. Any doctor worth his weight would WANT you to call with any problem. It's better to err on caution's side than to take a chance. CALL TODAY
   — Jeanne Aldrich

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