I am having a nagging pain in my left side. Any ideas about it's cause?

I have been having a nagging pain in my left side (at the bottom of my ribcage) for a couple of months. It doesn't hurt all the time and I can distinguish no pattern as to when the pain comes or goes. Has anyone experienced this before?    — misty.roof (posted on July 23, 2010)

July 23, 2010
If you just had surgery it maybe from the operation, I had the same thing when I had my surgery and I beat it to the surgeon's office, he told me it was normal. However, everyone is different and you may have to have it looked at.
   — FSUMom

July 23, 2010
Hi Misty, Every time I had some sort of mystery pain, I would go through the channels dictated by my insurance company to see doctors, etc... when in fact, all I had to do was call my surgeon or email him, tell him my symptoms and in just about every instance, he diagnosed what was wrong immediately just because he is so familiar with our situation. I would recommend then that you call the surgeon and tell him what you're feeling. I had a few serious issues since my surgery in March 2009, but they've all been rectified and if I left the situation to other doctors who are not familiar with RNY patients, I don't know what would have happened to me. Only a month ago, I was very close to death because of an internal hernia and if I had followed the doctors in my insurance plan, I may not be here today. My surgeon after I contacted him, met me in the emergency room and literally saved my life. Another time, it turned out to be an ulcer and that was rectified by meds. Meanwhile the gastric doctor on my plan took forever to diagnose the situation. (God, I hate insurance companies. but don't get me started.) All the best, Liz PS Tell us how you make out.
   — Elizabeth Smith

July 27, 2010
If you had the RNY it is probably GAS. Since your intestines are re-routed, things move in a different way. Which means gas has to go a new route. It can range from sharp server to dull ache. Depending on how much gas there is. If you feel you don't think it is gas, you should talk to your doctor. Also sometimes the anesthesia can cause pain for a few months post op. I bet it is gas though.
   — Kristy

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