are soba noodles good for us to eat???

i am about 10 months out rny and am wondering if soba noodles that's actually buckwheat noodles are good for us to eat    — JaVin70 (posted on February 25, 2010)

February 25, 2010
I would think they would be better than noodles made with regular white flour.... I was told no white pasta at all. But, I was also told that I could have whole wheat pasta if I absolutely HAD to have pasta, although they still don't recommend it. Seems that pasta of any kind gets "gummy" in your pouch and can ball up and just sit there for a long time, sometimes even blocking the entrance to your intestines and making you have to throw up. So, if I eat pasta at all, it's MAYBE one or two bites, and I try to concentrate on the protein part of the dish, whether it's shrimp, crab, meatballs, sausage, chicken, or whatever. The protein is my "meat and potatoes".... the pasta is just a side dish that I can take or leave... and I mostly just leave it.
   — Erica Alikchihoo

February 26, 2010
pasta is no very pouch friendly so you want ot limit it.
   — trible

February 26, 2010
go on line and check out miricle noodles, they aren`t bad, good luck
   — sweetpee

February 26, 2010
yea but soba noodles are not whole wheat they are made with buckwheat basically it is ground buckwheat that is why i was wondering
   — JaVin70

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