Acid reflux after WLS?

I had this before RNY 18 months ago, and not since. But, today I'm experiencing that acid in the back of my throat! Why now? If this has happened to you, I'd really appreciate your insight!    — sboenigk (posted on March 9, 2010)

March 9, 2010
I'm only four weeks out, but I'm noticing some reflux when I try to eat too much. How are your portions?
   — Greg K.

March 9, 2010
I have to take Nexium, I would call your Dr.
   — FSUMom

March 9, 2010
I dodn't have acid before surgery, but I do have acidy feeling now. I didn't have RNY i had the VSG, but I have to take Aciphex now one a day. =)
   — callen3640

March 9, 2010
I had the sleeve, had acid reflux before surgery and after, I take prilosec OTC everyday, and every once in awhile get that feeling, but think its becasue I have my snack to late at night before I lay down to sleep. Good Luck!!
   — [Deactivated Member]

March 10, 2010
I was told that AR and GERD were cured after surgery. Are you taking any pills? My dr said we are not alloed to take anything in pill form because you can develope ulcers. I am only a few monthes out, byt my GERD is gone completely. talk to your dr.
   — lynnredboy

March 10, 2010
I had a chest xray which showed spots on my lungs. As it turned out, I was asperating gerd into my lungs. This all happened after RNY. Three doctors including my doctor brother told me not to take acide reflux lightly. It can lead to esophagul cancer. I started taking Nexium and don't eat within 4 hours before I go to bed and the acide reflux has disappeared. Call your doctor.
   — Muggs

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