Panniculectomy & Liposuction....RECOVERY HELP!!

Hi all, I am out 3 1/2 years Distal Open RNY with a total weight loss of 125 lbs., and still need another 75+ lbs. to go. After MONTHS OF exercise attempts, and getting nowhere in flattening my abdomen, my doctor told me that having my belly surgerically removed was the "only" way to get rid of it. I consulted with a Plastic Surgeon and he told me I needed a Panniculectomy...WOW...they have a name for it, I'm impressed. Due to constant skin infections underneath my fat, I was able to get insurance approval. I took pictures of the infections when it was at it's worst and took it to the surgeon (blown up to 8x10). That helped him write a good enough letter to the insurance company to get it approved. As a side note, in answer to the many posts about what to do about helping these infections....OXISTAT CREAM!!! Have your doctor write you a prescription. Apply a thin coat and the pain will go away immediately and the infection will be gone the next day. That is one miracle cream!! Make sure your doctor writes you the biggest Rx possible, because you'll go through it quickly and this will reduce your insurance copayment. My surgeon told me that if he did liposuction on my abdomen, hips and waist, he could contour the shape of my body much better. He also suggested liposuction of my chin(s). This was not covered by insurance, so I had to pay in full 2 weeks upfront for the liposuction (a total of $7500). Anyway...he removed my pannus, which weighed 20 lbs. and sucked out another 5 lbs. and from what I can tell he did a decent job. The chin liposuction looks like crap and I have a hard lump of coal floating painfully in there. The doctor told me it might take 3 months for this to go away. Does anyone else have experience with this???? I'm 6 weeks out, and the scar healed amazingly well (all but about a small 2 inch section. I still have a very annoying drain in me, which I was warned ahead of time that it might be 2 months before he could remove it. I can't wait to get this damn thing out!!!!! Anyway...after 6 weeks, I still have very little energy and have to nap about 3-4 hours a day or more, and get dangerously exhausted after doing very little. I am also SOOOO bloated and swollen in my abdomen that I went up a full shirt size since surgery. There are days when I feel like I'm going to explode. The doc says 3-6 months for this to go down. Anyone out there ever experience this? So my questions to all is, "Has anyone else experienced this lack of energy, the bloating, the drain, and the hard lump after liposuction?" Any advice will be very appreciated. Thanks, Dan H.    — danhait (posted on September 9, 2006)

September 9, 2006
Hello Dan, I've never had either of these procedures, however, from watching the Discovery Health Channel about plastic surgery and lipo -- they say lipo is one of the worst things person can have done to one's body because of the trauma that the body is taken through. That could be the reason you lack energy, your body is still recovering. About a month ago, I had surgery on my left thum and the from the first joint to the tip it is still swollen -- it will be like this 4 to 6 months because the old nail has to fall off as the new nail grows. At first he said I could go back to work a week after the surgery. A week after the surgery, I was still walking around with an ice pack just to numb the pain. I type for a living so there was no way I was going to be back at work after a week. I'm still at home and I get tired during the day and sometimes take a nap. The point is, your body has been traumatized give it the rest it requests and the healing process will come. Be Blessed.
   — the7thdean

September 9, 2006
I just had my panniculectomy last thursday and I am annoyed by two drains and lack of energy. It seems like I might as well get used to it for awhile then. I go back to my surgeon on tuesday so I'm hoping they'll pull at least one of these drains. I can't wait to get my energy level back. I have six classes this term and I can't seem to stay awake long enough to get much reading accomplished. Well, I wish you all the best in your recovery and health and happiness always.
   — djfoz

September 10, 2006
Hi Dan, Each time we undergo anesthesia, our bodies must process, breakdown and excrete those drugs and gasses that we administered. Depending on what you were given, some of the drugs and gasses are stored in fat cells, therefore take awhile to degrade. During this process, your body will still feel some of the effects, this is exhibited by feeling exhausted and somewhat "foggy". Double or triple your H2O to help flush out the nasties. This will pass, I promise!!! If you feel really bad, call your surgeon. You should gradually improve on a daily basis. I hope I can have the surgery when I reach my goal, so enjoy your new belly...LOL Cindy
   — Cindy O.

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