osteoporosis and boniva/actonel/fosomax

I am female, 49, and almost 4 years post op. I've been a good girl, every day taking 1000 mg of Calcium citrate (with magnasium and vitamin D), plus multivitamin, and B-12, and anything else I was told to take (occasional iron). Anyway, osteoporosis runs in my family--both parents had it. I had my first bone scan last week, diagnosed with osteopenia in my hips, and my PCP has prescribed Boniva. I have the pill, but I'm waiting on my research to be complete before I take it. Side effects are kinda scary--for people with normal stomachs. Has anyone here with gastric bypass surgery been taking any of these bone-building medicines, what has your experience been? Trying to consult with my surgeon, difficult to connect with either the surgeon or his nurse. So I turn to the best, most inclusive source I know--OH members. Let me hear from you, good or bad. Thanks.    — Cisbell (posted on June 21, 2007)

June 21, 2007
My grandma took foxamax and she got really sick and they did not relate to it first to the meds,but she got stomach cancer from it.She was not the same the first couple of weeks after taking this drug.nasty
   — Sandy Hanson

June 21, 2007
I understand what you are going threw. im in 5 months post op and had back problems and now it has gone up into my ribs for the last two- three months. My doctor has done a bone density scan and im going today for another xray. Im really scared about the results and I am only 37 years old. My doctor said when people have a rapid weight lose this can happen.
   — izzywcw

June 21, 2007
Just a suggestion but call your pharmacy and told to the pharmicist, also go to Boniva's website and look for the contact us and email them the question directly , it is a new drug and I have gotten to the point where I am afriad of anything new. I took Zelnorm for IBS and starting having TIA's (mini strokes) the FDA recalled it , took Ambien once and walked ,eat, fell down a flight of stair , tore up my kitchen looked like a two years tried to cook ,no memory of it
   — DonnaB.

June 21, 2007
I am cautions about medications, I always like to read all about them and see all the alternatives too. I'm not very familiar w osteoporosis medications, but I do know one thing, weight lifting is one of the best things you can do for your bones! Talk to your doctor about it and keep researching. Good luck!!! :)
   — luvcamil

June 21, 2007
My daughter is a pharmaceutical rep and sells Evista (Eli Lilly Co.). She gets so angry when she sees tv commercials for Boniva. She said that they don't tell you everything that all the clinical tests show...the bad stuff. That's why the doctors should prescribe the one best for you and not be swayed by the larger drug companies who are paying for tv commercials. Evista may not be the best for you either, but doing research is the best way to know. Good Luck!
   — jfrap

June 22, 2007
Hey C how are you doing. I am 46 and 3 1/2 years out. I just take vitamins and calcium, but I can't help but think that I am gonna be in this boat soon. I am very interested in what you learn, and I absolutely applaude your research. I like what much of the others said, contact the company, you can speak to some pharmacies and get information that way. They are a pretty good source of information, and can even print stuff off for you. Don't limit your research to boniva, but look for the other stuff you can use and research it as well. Check with a nutrition store and see what they recommend for osteo problems. I would also call and make an appointment to see your surgeon. You need a face to face with them and speak about this, how to deal with osteo problems as a wls patient is very much their problem as well as yours, as well as pain issues that are associated with it. You need to know what they advise, and if it takes an appointment to see them, then step up and make one. You can't be the first one to cross this bridge, and bravo to you for looking before you leap. Please publish your findings here when you are done, it will be a great service to us all to learn from your experience. Take care and thank you. Patricia P.
   — Patricia P

June 22, 2007
Did you discuss your concerns with the doctor who prescribed the medication? No med is without its drawbacks.
   — Novashannon

June 22, 2007
Heard from surgeon, he had no opinion since he had not researched it, but he did say to take an antacid (like pepcid) if I experience any heartburn symptoms--BUT...manuf. states no antacids, nor anything other than water for 60 before and 60 minutes after. Spoke with his nurse after she researched this issue--still not much of an opinion one way or another. Will speak with PCP after the weekend (Drs are SOOOO hard to get in touch with on Fridays!!!). I'll delay for a few more days until I know more.
   — Cisbell

June 22, 2007
You might want to look into the medication "Miacalcin." It is for postmenopausal women who have osteoporosis (not sure if can be used for osteopenia). Miacalcin is a nasal spray and does not enter the GI tract at all so should not effect your stomach/pouch. The active ingredient is calcitonin which stops bone loss and increase bone density. Best wishes.
   — mrsidknee

July 9, 2007
Hi folks, it's me --the original poster-- again. Here is the final update--spoke with surgeon, and his nurse. Spoke with PCP and her nurse. Spoke with dentist and a hygenist. (there are dental issues with Boniva as well). Here's the skinny, if anyone has bothered to read down this far in the list of issues: No doctor or dentist had a strong opinion one way or the other, mainly because they aren't as familiar with the drug as they admitted they should be. No one else had a strong opinion, either. Just me, I have the strong opinions. So far I have not taken the drug. It's been sitting in my medicine box for three weeks, and still it sits. I admit, I am scared of this drug, I am also scared of broken hips, disabillity, hip replacement surgery.
   — Cisbell

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