Anyone have urinary retention problems .

I am a little over a year post op and have lost 121 pounds. For the past 3 months I have not been able to urniate on my own. I am having to catherize at least two times a day so the urine does not back up into my kidneys. I was wondering if anyone has had retention as a complication of lap-band or any of the WLS.    — cleofet (posted on June 26, 2008)

June 26, 2008
What does your urologist say? I just cannot imagine that this has anything to do with WLS. I would go to the top specialist in urology that I could find. It worries me; I hope you find a resolution to this really bummer situation.
   — nofrogs29

June 26, 2008
I am not a doctor but I would see one soon. With that much weight loss your bladder could have slipped out of place causing a blockage. My mother actually had her bladder fall and had to be surgically put back in place. She didn't have wls but it does happen.
   — tinajohn

June 26, 2008
I am sorry if I confussed the matter. This is happening to my husband. his webpage is at saints1. He is getting ready to have surgery to implamt a pace maker type device that will attach to his sacral nerve. It is called a interstim. We are not sure if it will work and the other surgery is much more invasive and he will still need to take meds which he is haveing side effects from that he and I are not to happy with. He seems to think that when he was caterized during the lapband surgery that may have caused or agravated the problem. Thanks to both of you that responded. I did read that being caterized could cause the problem but I think it would have had to have been for a longer period of time then just a day.
   — cleofet

June 27, 2008
I would suggest talking to the urologist... he or she may be able to shed some light onto whether this could be related to being cathed during surgery or something unrelated. Do you know what the cause in what physically is happening? Is there a blockage somewhere? Are nerve impulses not getting from the bladder to the brain? Has your husband had his prostate checked? Good luck.
   — mrsidknee

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