I am on a 2 wk liver shrinking diet prior to lap band surgery.

This is my fourth day & I'm finding it intolerable, as all I'm allowed is 4 pints of milk a day plus 1 marmite drink & a sugar free jelly. I hate milk & the craving is really bad! Can I not eat some fish or chicken?    — Jill P. (posted on October 13, 2010)

October 13, 2010
The doctors seem to really vary what they allow on their Liver Shrink diets....I was on a low carb diet, Adkins type. Fish/chicken, any meat was o.k. on my diet. Good luck.
   — Jane W.

October 13, 2010
I was on a complete liquid liver shrinking diet for two weeks. Believe me the Dr. does it for as reason. It is easier to move the liver out of the way to place the band properly. I would definately talk to your Dr. before going back on his words. You'll be glad you had the surgery. I wish you the best of luck whatever you do.
   — Barb J.

October 13, 2010
Thanks for the reply's! Yes I really do understand that its done for a reason & want to continue but its making me agitated & depressed, which can't be good either. Oh well I'll see if I can hold out! I also heard that a light atkins diet is ok too!
   — Jill P.

October 13, 2010
Check with your Doc and see if you can have high protein drinks. They will take more of your hunger away. Premium Protein Shakes from Costco are very good as are many others. This is probably your most difficult step in the process, but so worth it. Also, sugar free jello and lots of water will help keep you feeling more full. I used to work for a weight loss surgery center, and I have seen Docs close patients back up and send them home because they had not followed instructions. Then they had to start all over in the process. You can do this, and it is SO worth it. Best of luck and congrats on your surgery!
   — Bonnie H.

October 13, 2010
see if you can have boullion or broth and tomato juice. mix a boullion cube with 1/2 c of tomato juice, add some basil...makes for a warm soup...It may be the "hot meal" you are craving, not the real food. I am on day 6 of the pre surgery diet....we can do this...Oh...whatever you do, don't watch tv commercials! haha
   — caxb2009

October 13, 2010
I almost did not get to have the BGP surgery because my live enzymes were so high. I was only 130 pounds overweight but I had to have a ultrasound of my liver before surgery. They did the surgery in April and I have already lost 100 pounds. I did the liquid only diet for two weeks prior and my enzyme count is already back to normal. I did high protein shakes, drinks and high protein soups (Proti) I was able to lose 14 pounds prior to surgery. I was not going to get that close and have them cancel it on me. Glad I followed the RULES. Good luck
   — tfqh99

October 14, 2010
On my pre-op diet before band surgery I was allowed 2 protein shakes a day, 4 oz. of chicken or fish, 4 oz. of green beans, 2 SF popsicles, 2 cups of broth, 2 SF Jello and plenty of water each day. Was it hard to do? Yes. Was it worth it? Absolutely!!! You have to shink the liver or they won't have room to put the band on. You don't want them to close you up and go home with no band after all the work you've done on this life changing procedure. The first 3 days were the worst and by the last 3 days I was beginning to get over it because I could finally see the finish line! Stick with it, you will be so glad you did. Best of luck to you. I've lost 91 lbs. since May 4th, 2010, YOU CAN DO THIS!
   — jackmom1484

October 14, 2010
I was on a 2 week diet, I was allowed to drink clear liquids, protein shakes, and lettuce salad with tomatoes, no dressing. It was tough, but if you can stick with the program for 2 weeks, you'll lose weight, I lost 36#. You can do it, just stay out of the kitchen. If you are allowed to have jelly, try blending it with milk and ice, and make a shake out of it, get creative you can probably use flavorings like sugar free Torani Syrup, but ask your nut first. Ask everyone you know to pray for your success. YOU CAN DO IT! May God Bless You Abundantly. Kathie
   — KathieV

October 14, 2010
we just spoke on the 2 week diet last night at our support group. remember the point of this diet no matter how hard it is. i have not done it yet but i know the point. you want a smaller liver for the simple fact you do not want the doctor to knick it during surgery cause what should take 2 hours will take 4 and it will complicate your healing times....SO STICK TO IT!!! YOU CAN DO IT
   — That_816_Princess

October 14, 2010
My dad had to do a liver shrinking diet before his rny surgery a few years ago. All he was allowed though was slimfast drinks. Just 3 or 4 a day. And water. Best of luck, and hope you kind find something yummy to have during this time!
   — [Deactivated Member]

October 16, 2010
Thank you all for the support & good wishes, I really appreciate it!! Only a week to go now on this rotten diet & then surgery. Its really really hard but I'm getting there!
   — Jill P.

October 30, 2010
I am preparing for this at the end of November My doctor requires all liquid, no sugar and very strict diet. I am a little nervous about it. He claims after day two it is better. He claims that you fatty liver if not relieved of as much sugar by the cleanse as possible, will cause a difficult surgery. He also swears it makes the next four week liquid transition easier and you heal faster.
   — Karen2.0

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