It has been 3 yrs since my Gastric Bypass, in the last 12 mos i have gained 21 lbs

How can I get back on track, should I consider have a revision? I know I need to exercise, just so frustrating    — cbraxton (posted on July 28, 2011)

July 28, 2011
What you wrote today is my worst nightmare. I recently had a boob job, both the plastic surgeon and NUT wants me to gain 5 lbs, but I am scared to. I figure I will gain weight naturally so with this low weight I have some play with it. I know for myself when I am up a couple of lbs, I cut my carbs out and I lose immediately. Plus I walk 45 minutes a day. You can visit this site, I believe her name is Kaye Bailey:, she will tell you about the 5 day pouch test, this may get you back on track. Keep up the good job sister!
   — FSUMom

July 28, 2011
Wow I could be your twin this after reading your profile. Sounds like we were about the same starting/ending weight also. I too had RNY surgery in 08. I have gained about 10 pounds since my plastic surgery last April and another 10 pounds since my lowest. I just started yesterday on liquids. I guess its my own version of the 5 day pouch test. I did 3 protein shakes and broth. Don't forget about any local support groups and I was thinking about weight watchers?? I feel I need the accountability and back to logging in everything that goes in my mouth. Good luck to you, I really don't know where the point is that a revision is looked at??? I am so scared of being fat again. Toni
   — ToniLee

July 28, 2011
I understand your frustration. I am two years out, and several folks who have known me all of my life (which was in a body much plumper), have said that I lost too much weight. I disagree and love this size. I think they can't get used to looking at my face so small. But that's their problem...Anyway, I digress, I can identify with your fear of gaining. I feel like if I start to gain, intentionally, then it will go out of control. Be patient with yourself, and be diligent about not letting this turn into a trend. Find out what's happening in your mind and in your life that is inviting the weight gain. For me, my weight was a comfort zone for so long that I have to constantly remind myself to find other comforts. Keep asking yourself those questions and you will get the answers that you need.
   — browngathers

July 30, 2011
My aunt had the surgery in 05 & while mine is in three wks her advice is if u get 5 lbs beyond your goal wt to diet & cut carbs & bread altogether. I kno this is a common concern cuz many of the ppl I've told I'm having the surgery say oh such & such had it done & gained (insert big#) me, it's a mind control & measurement matter.
   — wanttostartover

August 18, 2011
Its been ten years since my surgery and I started gaining slowly a few years out and then the last few years the pounds just started pouring on. I gained back 65 lbs and was scared to death. I have recently lost 30 of those pounds since May 19th and feel GREAT!! I have my energy back! You can read more about me and my story at I was so scared that I was going to end up back over three hundered pounds again. Thank God the scale is heading back down. I actually have energy and hope again. Life is good again. Check out my blog! Wendy Hugh Netolicky RN
   — WendyInIowa

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