Weight loss and IUD

I am 6 months post op and down 65 lbs. Has anyone ever heard of an IUD shifting due to weight loss? It feels like it is not in the right place and I have not gotten a period this month. I have an appt. w/ the GYN but that is not until the 3rd.    — carjacks (posted on March 22, 2006)

March 22, 2006
Before surgery I spoke with my ob/gyn about an IUD and she said she did not think I was a good canidate due to the fact I had not had a child and the weight issues. Just as you are experiencing it will move with weight loss or gain and the chance of pregnancy goes up. As for the not having a child it is a precaution due to the fact I haven't had them and IUD's have been known to cause sterility if problems occur.
   — 1968 Loser

March 23, 2006
I had an IUD put in before my surgery and I haven't had any problems. I get my period as usual and there was 2 different months that I only spotted but everything is ok. My doctor says it should be fine just go back in 6 months to have it checked and he will let you know if anything has to be done. Just ask your doctor and he will let you know what is best for you.

March 23, 2006
I have the Mirena IUD but I am preop. I have had it for almost two years and I don't have periods anymore, just some spotting every couple months..I would take a home pregnancy test just to be safe and set your mind at ease before your doctor's appointment, just in case, then if it is positive your doctor should get you right in as an emergency case..I don't know much about what happens with the IUD after surgery, I guess I should ask about that..Are you sure the IUD is still there? Can you feel the string? To be honest with you I am too fat to reach and feel if the string is there so mine better still be there! Good luck and let me know what your doctor says.
   — Debbie B.

March 24, 2006
You haven't said how long you've had your IUD in, or whether it is a Mirena or a Copper T. In both cases during the first 3-4 months, there can be a shifting or natural "expulsion" of the IUD (almost like your uterus is "rejecting the device). Intermittant spotting or being "off schedule" are also common during the first 3-4 months. If you've had the IUD in for more than 4 months, I would immediately buy and use a pregnancy test to rule out the possibility you are pregnant. <br><br>I had an IUD inserted about 9 months (5/04 after my open gastric bypass {7/03}) because i was sick of being at the mercy of artificial hormones and the gain weight/lose weight, good skin/bad skin syndrome, good mood/bad mood syndrome. I thought i would try the copper T, because Mirena still has some of the same birth control hormones in it, which help to make your periods shorter and less productive - but, as i said (and also as a former fat person who tended to credit outside factors for her weight), i really didn't want the hormones anymore.<br><br Jump forward three years later, and my period are on average 8 days long and for at least 4 of those days, i am soaking a super-plus tampon per hour. I am severly iron anemic and have had to have an iron infusion to bring back my blood/iron levels into check. Also, since losing more weight, my boyfriend tells me that in certain sexual positions, he can feel his penis up against the IUD. I just thought i'd let you know some of what i've found out since using the IUD. Once my body recovers from the first round plastic surgery, I plan on getting the IUD removed. I'm not sure what I will use (definitely not the NuvaRing, i used it before i didn't like it). Get yourself checked out by your GYN.
   — sweetmana

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