I had my surgey on 7/21/06. After I got my first fill on 8/26/06 I lost 3lbs.

I have even started exercising at Curves. It's been 4 weeks since my last fill and I have not lost any more weight. In fact I have gained one pound. Is that normal? Please help!    — Belen DeLeon (posted on September 24, 2006)

September 24, 2006
It's not unusual. If you have examined your eating carefully and you are doing everything right, it may be time to see about another fill. You didn't say if you have decent restriction. If you can eat more than about half a chicken breast, your restriction level may not be where it needs to be. Keep working out, though! :)
   — Jeanie

September 24, 2006
Just a thought, but maybe you're gaining muscle? What does fill mean?
   — roberta45

September 25, 2006
I didn't have lap band, so I can't speak for what you should expect from that (except parroting what I've heard others say), but I also wanted to just shore you up in that you've done really well. Being what we consider a "lightweight" means that you will, unfortunately, lose slower even if you had an RNY. One thing that happens a lot of times is the body just needs to adjust to a new weight. Even if you follow everything to a T, sometimes it's a waiting game. Certainly follow up with your surgeon and listen to what the other lap-banders tell you (because they know more what to expect than I could help you with), but try not to let yourselef feel defeated. If I figured it right, you lost about 20 lbs in 2 months. That's really good considering where you started. Think of it this way: I had the RNY and started at 325. I lost the most in the first month, but the subsequent months I lost around 10-12 lbs a month. As for the gain, that could be water weight or muscle. I know it might sound like we're placating you, but believe me, I fluctuate 5 lbs up and down all the time depending on the time of the month. It's like clockwork. So just because it sounds like a convenient answer, it's not without it's truth and merit. Keep going full steam ahead and keep your eye on the prize. You're going to make it if you don't let yourself get side-tracked in disappointment!!! Dina
   — Dinka Doo

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