preparing for surgery

What should I be doing right now to prepare for my surgery in December?    — cuppaloopy (posted on November 18, 2009)

November 18, 2009
What type of surgery are you having? That will make somewhat of a difference in the advice we'll give. Make sure you do NOT gain weight between now and then. Don't go out and start eating things you think you'll "never get again". According to my surgeon, there are times that the surgery will be called off if you have gained weight. When the liver gets enlarged, it makes the surgery more difficult or even impossible. There have been times when they opened a patient up, only to have to cancel the surgery due to the size of the liver (they couldn't get to the stomach). If you'll let me know whether you're having the by-pass or Lap-Band, I'll be able to more specific. Congratulations on your upcoming surgery! God Bless.
   — KimM

November 19, 2009
Hi, I am also having surgery in December! I'm having the RNY and am very excited! I have had my consult with the surgeon, and while there he gave me a binder full of information for me to keep. I go in Monday for my pre-op testing, then will have another appointment with the Anesthesiologist sometime between Monday and surgery. I have started getting little tupperware bowls (approx 2 oz in size), a journal for my diet, started looking into the protein shakes for afterward...stuff like this. I got a shaker cup to mix the proteins (I have the link to a cheap but great site for the shaker cups on my page). I started just writing different things down as I think of them, questions for people, a list for the stuff I will take to the hospital, and things of this nature. I also have been vacuuming every day and plan on Shampooing my carpets right before surgery since I know this will bother me post-op not being able to do the floors, lol. I just don't want other people having to do this stuff for me as much as possible. If you need specifics about the info my surgeon gave me, please let me know, I would be happy to help!
   — eyeflirt4fun

November 19, 2009
Thanks for the answers. I am having RNY surgery. I too have the binder but I am interested in how other people are preparing for their surgery. I am trying to prepare now.
   — cuppaloopy

November 19, 2009
The best way to prepare for your rny is to not stress out over it. Don't over think anything or you will drive yourself crazy. I did, and it drove my family up the wall. I was all eaten up by preparation; I did nothing but think about it. The best advice I can give you is just that. The best way to prepare really is to be ready to make mental changes in your eating habits. What to take to the hospital is a one time thing, don't worry about that. The long term prep is to sever your tie with food now, so that you don't have head hunger knocking down your door and your guard. Push away the food and you will gain a lot more in life. Gentle hugs to you.
   — Kristy

November 19, 2009
One "weird" thing I wish I would have had on hand was a bra that was a little big around and NOT an underwire! All mine were underwire and were just too uncomfy to wear (even a couple weeks after surgery-when I was ready to go out a bit). Also, where I had my surgery done gave us a "shopping" list beforehand, and I did pick and choose what I thought I would need off of that.
   — maryjo68

November 20, 2009
Hi guys, Im having my surgery 2 weeks from today, Dec 5 & Im having RYN. I'm such a mix of nervousness & excitment I can hardly stand it. I have to go to the hospital this Tuesday to get pre-admitted and get my pre-surgery instructions. I have 19 year old daughter, a 9 year old son and 1 year old Granddaughter who lives wih me full time, only son & Grandbaby live w/me, Im raising them both. After the surgery me and the kids are going to live at Mom & Dads for a few weeks. Personally I am looking so forward to the rest and being babied. I have had a few surgerys before, C-section, metal plate put in my ankle and wisdom teeth pulled while I was knocked out. The way I look at it is-I have been working on this forever and its finally here-in the end its all gonna be a good experience with some bumps in the road. I visualize going to the hospital & being expectedly nervous, then you get your IV and you anti-anxity meds, take a nice long deep well deserved and needed nap while doc does his business. When I wake up I'll have a few days in the hospital being cared for by someone which is always nice, I'll bring my laptop in case I am bored and feel well enough to play on the internet. Then I go to Mom & Dads for a few weeks, they help take care of the kids while I rest & get well-Mom had RYN about 4 years ago and is an RN so I'll be well cared for. Plus Moms extra bedroom is like a 5 star hotel. Im actually looking forward to the rest and healing part, I need to catch up on a years worth of sleep. I think in the beginning the eating wont be a problem because I dont think I'll feel well enough to care much about what I eat. I think it may get a bit harder when it comes to pureed food-thats along time to eat baby food and I dont want to experience the dumping syndrome. I see two of you here having December surgery, lets stick together and be each other support, Im gonna send friends request to you guys. Jen
   — plumbkrazy

November 21, 2009
I'm scheduled for surgery on December 3rd, 2009 and so far I've ordered myself a medic alert bracelet which states my name, RNY GASTRIC BYPASS, SURGERY: Dec. 3/09, NO BLIND NG TUBE, My ICE (In case of Emergency)contact and phone number, NO NSAIDS, NO SUGAR, LOW FAT, Water and Protein necessary for hydration, and then my other medical conditions like contact lens, asthma, sarcoidosis, fibromyalgia and high blood pressure. I went to to order my bracelet as they have one that allows for 5 lines on one side and four on the other. I actually wrote H2O and PRO EXIGENT 4 HYDRATION because there wasn't enough room to write everything. Then I went to to order my protein that I will need post surgery. Because I'm from Canada, I had to order over the phone, but as it turns out, it was better because then I got to talk directly to a dietitian, not to be confused with a nutritionist, a dietitian is registered like a doctor and has a Bachelor of Science in Foods and Nutrition. She was very helpful in informing me that the Strawberry and Chicken flavours are ment to be mixed with water which means we can have them post surgery during our clear fluids and even the day before surgery, whereas, the chocolate and vanilla are meant to be mixed with milk so they are good for our full fluid post-surgery times and finally the unflavoured is meant to be mixed with anything but water, so milk or mashed potatoes etc. therefore it's perfect for bumping up your protein in the third stage after surgery. Beyond this, I'm just trying to organize things around the house so as to not put too much responsibility on friends and loved ones after I have my surgery. I'm stocking up on bottled water as a convenience mostly. Also getting small containers to portion things. Trying to get enough sleep and vitamins as proper rest and nutrition are essential to proper healing. Also I'm ensuring I get sufficient protein in daily also to promote proper healing. I never went on to become a dietitian after I received my Bachelor of Foods and Nutrition because I felt that no one would hire an obese woman to educate others when I couldn't do what I preached so to speak. Although we all know that obesity is far more complex than just the food that goes in your mouth, "regular" people don't seem to get that. So maybe someday, I'll go back and finish what I started and I'll be a dietitian someday too? Who knows. Anyway, hope some of this information is helpful.
   — Dandy_DeeDee

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