Has anyone had surgery at the BTC in Wyle Texas

I am coming upon my surgery date of 8/27/02 and am starting to get nervous. I read the Q & A board everyday and I don't seem to read where anyone is from the Dallas Texas area. I was wondering if anyone has had surgery at the BTC and if there is a support group around the Highland Park area of Dallas?    — MELISSA M. (posted on August 8, 2002)

August 8, 2002
There is a monthly support meeting at Medical City, who my surgeon is a frequent speaker.. I am not sure on the date this month, the moment I hear I will let you know.. Post Op 7/10/02
   — HelpMeRhonda !!

August 8, 2002
There are tons (well, not tons, but many) people who have had surgery there on this site! I'm having surgery there too (no date scheduled yet <clinching teeth>) but if you look up your surgeon and click on him/her it lists patients who are pre-op and post-op. I've gotten valuable information from this!! My surgeon is Dr. Capps. Feel free to click on him and read post-op reports under him!! Good luck. TTFN
   — Stephanie S.

August 8, 2002
4 weeks 1 day post op from this BTC and doing great! If I might make a recommendation, Dr. Julie Leverton simply can't be beat. I would -HIGHLY- recommend her as your choice of surgeons. I have never met Dr. Capps, but I hear he is very good too. I have to tell you, this hospital was the BEST hospital stay I have ever had, bar none. The nursing staff there is beyond excellent, and they take pain management very seriously. You say you hurt, they respond. I had some muscle spasms the first day after surgery. Morphine won't help that. I told them about it, and within 5 minutes they were giving me an injection to control it. Within 15 minutes, all was better. These guys are just superb all the way around. I would highly recommend them.
   — Greg P.

August 8, 2002
I just went for my first consultation with Dr. Leverton last Monday and I really, really liked her also. If my insurance approves, I'll definitely be going with her. Anyway, the receptionist gave me a flyer listing 2 support groups in the Dallas area. One is in Grapevine at Baylor and one is in Fort Worth. I don't remember the dates but I'm sure if you call, they can tell you over the phone. Good Luck with your surgery!!
   — Rose L.

August 9, 2002
Melissa-I was originally going with BTC in Wylie but when my insurance changed they wouldn't accept it so I went to Baylor at Dallas with Dr.Todd McCarty. You may want to go to and click on Groups and join the Dallasites group. Baylor has an awesome support system for their patients. I'm not a group but if you want a weightloss buddy I can be that! My email is [email protected] or [email protected]
   — Bambi C.

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