
I just had my first post op lab work done. It's been 10 weeks and I have lost 85 pounds. My doctors office called and told me to quit taking my potassium that it was extremely high and need to check it in 2 weeks. I DON'T take Potassium and never have. I even thought it was probably LOW! The only thing I am taking is Nutrinate Prenatal Vitamins (chewable) I can't find any information on them on the net and am just wondering if they are rich in potassium. Do any of you have any information on these vitamins and know why I would have high potassium levels at this point in my weight loss? Please give me any advice you may have regarding this matter. Thanks so much in advance. God bless.    — Elle Felts (posted on October 30, 2002)

October 29, 2002
Wow. That IS weird. Mine is always low and that is dangerous. My Mom (who never had WLS) had (and still does have to) take water pills and they lower potassium. So they gave her something to "raise her level". Well it went too high (around 6+) and she had to go into the hospital to LOWER her potassium STAT, as it could have shut down her kidneys. They were talking possible kidney dialosis machine for the rest of her life! No kidding. Please do your best to find out why this is going on, and check it often. (Hopefully once a week). Man this could really screw up your health. Please be careful.
   — Danmark

October 30, 2002
About the only thing that causes high potassium is kidney failure. Drink lots of water and follow up with your doctor. Of course, unless you are taking potassium medication.
   — Dana S.

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