what do they feel like

can someone tell me what a hiatial hernia feels like i have a funny feeling in my throat i dont have trouble swallowing and i had this once before when i was pregnant with my first child it kinda feels like a worm is trying to crawl out or something(i know gross)it makes me gag and its not there all the time. any takers on this one? sherry    — SHERRY K. (posted on November 12, 2002)

November 13, 2002
I had a hiatel hernia for years, but never had the feeling of a "worm" LOL. Heavy pain in the sternam, difficulty swallowing if to big of a bite. (before surgery). Usually accompanied by reflux, which I also had GERD. Hope this helps some. RYN-LAP 8/8/02 -60 POUNDS.
   — penciepaws

November 13, 2002
Sherry, I had that feeling for a while, and was convinced that something was THERE---I could FEEL it! After many tests, I was diagnosed with acid reflux disease. The feeling I had came from irritation in my throat from the acid. After going on medication the lump feeling disappeared. But I could have SWORN that there was a tumor or something there. Have your doc check you for acid reflux. The test is gross but it was worth it for me.
   — Kathy S.

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