Why is it that some peple dump after eating sugar and fat and some people don't?

I'm all freaked out because its been 3 months since my by pass and I've lost 56 lbsbut have discovered that eating sugar does not cause me to feel I'm worried that if no foods really bother me I'll blow up and gain all my weight back...I've had this little voice in the back of my head all along saying "it won't work " and now I'm sure it won't.....tell me it will even if i have the occasional treat, thanks cindy    — CYNTHIA W. (posted on April 30, 2003)

April 30, 2003
Cindy, I wish I could tell you the scientific reasons why some do and some don't. Eventually, many people stretch their dumping limits b/c of eating sugar. And just because you don't dump on 10 grams of sugar, doesn't mean that you won't on 15, ya know what I mean? So, how many grams of sugar did you eat? Say it was 10grams, just know and tell yourself that, ok I can eat that much, but if I go past it, I will get really sick. DOn't test your limits. You can also try not eating ANY sugar for a week, and you can sord of reset your dump-o-meter. That's why they call WLS a "tool" b/c we do find out eventually that some sugar doesn't bother us and that some foods don't hurt as and gain an appetite, so unfortunately we have to exert some self-control. You won't fail at this- don't let yourself. It's fine to have treats and snacks. I have a treat a day and have gotten to goal, but I PLAN everything. It's counted in towards my daily totals and I exercise. I live like a "normal" thin person, even though my tummy is not exactly normal. lol You can do it, tell yourself you can! Goodluck to you!
   — Lezlie Y.

April 30, 2003
Hi! I have asked quite a few surgeons why some people dump and others don't.Obviously they know why people do but they have no idea why some people don't.
   — jennifer A.

April 30, 2003
Hey .. I was wondering that and I was wondering if maybe proximal or dismal has something to do with it? I don't know but was wondering that. As a failure on a previous WLS I know personally that I "dumped" or got sick eating certain things that I "forced" myself later to eat and eat till finally my tummy got "use" to it. There for this time I will be strict on myself. The worst thing to do is tell everyone after losing 70+ lbs about your weight loss surgery and then gaining it back .... Talk about feeling like a MAJOR FAILURE in the bad sense! Very humilating so I personally will not force cokes down my throat, nor will I force fatty foods and excessive things with sugars this time around.... and the most important thing is the drinking while eating. NOPE won't do it this time. At first it was uncomfortable to eat and drink but I got over it.. and its just not in my plan next time. Best of luck and treat that tummy good.
   — WLS_Deb

April 30, 2003
Not sure why some do and some dont. But I do know that I will not push my limits. I have a friend who is about 8 years out. She tested the waters to see how far she could go and now has gained most of her weight back. Her tool is intact but she didnt/doesnt follow the rules. I do not have anything with over 10 grams of sugar, no milk not even lactose free milk. Even that is still too high in sugar. I hope I will dump for the rest of my life. It keeps me honest. If you want an occasional treat, sugar free Hershey bars are the bomb. I have 1 sometimes 2 and it is all I need when I want a "fix". Good luck to you, I'm sure you will do just fine. Sidney Open RNY 10-23-02 down 80+
   — Siddy I.

May 1, 2003
Lezlie is right, if you go back to the basics for a few weeks, you can re-set your dumping level. I don't worry about sugar per-say, more the white carbs, like flour and sugar. When my meter is low, I can dump on anything over 10 grams. I do however convert back to mostly protein and under 20 grams of carbs every couple of months (just for a couple of weeks) to keep myself in line. This is a tool, you don't have to test it to see what it will do, just KNOW that you have to do it. I am within 10 lbs. of my goal and I want to stay there. Maintainence will be the tough part. Also, you said that sugar doesn't bother you, but you will eventually want more and more, so try to limit it as a treat. There are so many options out there for us. They have sugar free cookies (keep them in the freezer so you don't feel the need to eat them before they go bad) and my favorite it yogurt with a tablespoon of grapenuts...mmmm. I also snack on Louis Rich Grilled chicken. It's pre-cooked and very juicy and tender. Make sure you have foods you can grab on hand for snacks. Sometimes when you have to make something, the old hunger and cravings go along with it. Because the occaisional treat is fine, even a small little something everyday, but I found if I have the right 'stuff' on hand, I don't crave the bad stuff as often. Make sense? Good luck, you are doing just fine, good luck on the rest of your journey.
   — Dana B.

May 1, 2003
Apparently, at least 30 percent of RNY'ers do not dump on sugar and others have varying degrees of dumping depending on the amounts eaten. The dumping varies too-some have full blown flu like symptoms-the shakes and all, and others, like me, get sleepy, and sometimes a little nauseous. I'm like Lezlie, I don't push testing how much sugar I can take in before dumping, but limit the amounts I have, and build the treats (calories) into my day. I try not to have any more than 15 grams at a time...others find it easier to deny themselves all sugar. As for that voice in your head, "it won't work", we all have that voice. Everyone of us was convinced we would fail at this...its from years of "it won't work" being the truth. Don't listen to it. It does work. At some point, though, you will have to work to keep the weight off, but if your willing to use the tool properly there is every reason in the world for this surgery to be a life long success for you.
   — Cindy R.

May 1, 2003
I firmly believe that depriving yourself will eventually lead to going overboard with any food, not just sugar. If you want to have a piece of candy now and again, plan it into your day's eating plan. Then savor every bit (no I don't mean bite) of it and move on. Obviously you can't eat lots of sugar every day, but if you give yourself permission to have a small amount once a week, you'll do just fine.
   — garw

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