cn you have sugar??in a meal replacement drink????

After surgery i was told to drink carnation no sugar added..but when i was reading the lable it contains 6grams of sugar..can this be right??can you have a little sugar??confused. thanks.Lisa    — LISA M. (posted on October 19, 2003)

October 19, 2003
The sugar in the No Sugar Added Carnation Instant Breakfast is the lactose in the milk. The FDA will not allow foods to be labeled as sugar free if they contain any sugar at all including natural sugars - hence the no sugar added. No Sugar Added CIB is fine if you can tolerate the milk. My surgeon didn't allow milk products that early.
   — Patty_Butler

October 19, 2003
Hi, Lisa: The small amount of sugar that is contained in the CIB shakes should be ok. I am VERY sensitive to sugar now, and I handle the CIB shakes just fine. I dump on Atkins shakes, however; my surgeon thinks there are alot of hidden sugars in them. If you notice on the box, there are stars next to the sugar amount; it states that the sugar comes from lactose, which is a natural milk sugar. Unless you're lactose intolerant, you should be fine. Good luck!
   — Moysa B.

October 19, 2003
Very perceptive. Last time I looked, there were 7g sugar in that + 12g in a cup of moo. That's 19 whopping g of sugar. If you did that several times per day, you could disable your dump-o-meter, not to mention setting up carb cravings. There are protein drinks that mix with water, deliver 30g protein, under 5 g sugar. They usually sit better, too.
   — vitalady

October 19, 2003
Lisa, I have found that most people can tolerate a little sugar. Of course, that may change as you get further out. I can drink the CIB. I don't do it often simply because it's not one of my favorite things, but it's nice to know that when I want a change I can have that instead. Variety is the spice of life and nobody wants to go through the rest of their life eating and drinking the same thing all the time. Just remember that your body and it's limitations will change over time and it takes a lot of adjusting to. Best wishes!!
   — Diane S.

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